Since when was is okay to talk to your kids about your sex life? I guess they figure your married and have kids so you know what the fuss is all about....right? But when did they have the revelation that it no longer grossed you out?
Point of the story...I have had a couple conversations with my mother about the dirty "S" word when it comes to parents. At first it was a little
un-comfortable but then it was like talking to a girlfriend....then the boundries were crossed. My father and mother were on the phone with me one evening and my father yells out "By the way, Thank You!!!" about what I wondered until my loving mother said she "shared" my words of wisdom. He joked saying he would call me himself the next time. Yes, I threw up!
Then this evening, dad proceeds to tell me how the cat ate my mother's diamond earring off her ear. My Husband asks...how did the cat do that. Quote my father " When mom gets out of the shower, she likes the cat to lick her off! What I don't understand is why she lets the cat sit all over her and cover her with fur right after she takes a shower!" Dad You have problems if that is ALL you are worried about. (wink wink)
Yes his words were slightly mis-spoken, however, the laugh my mother let out and my husband was none the less....well...the thought again, please pass me my barf bag!
Any comments about Parents & Sex, please share or anything else that erks you!