Hubby : Come here and let me give you something
Me: Maybe tonight...later..
Hubby: You mean we can actually do it tonight?
Me: I wonder why God made it so you 'have to do it'... why could we be like frogs?
Where we wouldn't have to do it, I could just pop some eggs out and you could fertalize them
Hubby: You mean fish dear...
Me: Oh yeah, fish..
Hubby: But then you would have to go upstream and die.
Me: All fish swim up stream a die after?
Hubby: No ..just salmon.. I think
Me: Imagine all the crime that would be eliminated if we didn't have those urges to do it
Hubby: Then everyone would go around fertalizing. (then he starts imitating fertilization)
Me: I am going to write this up on my blog
Hubby throws his hands up in the air!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Today is Friday... and it's not only good, it's Freakin' Awesome!!!

This is Elnora
If this is true.... Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Please pray for my Dakota...he is not doing well.
This morning he was shaking and couldn't move. I managed to get him outside to go potty, but then had to carry him up the stairs to bring him back in.
It hurt him to get up, hurt him to go potty, hurt him to lay down.
I am so worried.
This morning he was shaking and couldn't move. I managed to get him outside to go potty, but then had to carry him up the stairs to bring him back in.
It hurt him to get up, hurt him to go potty, hurt him to lay down.
I am so worried.
Monday, March 24, 2008
My Poor Koda

This is Dakota and Daisy...Dakota is the Big Black Dog...he is beautiful isn't he?
We call him our retarded dog. We always say that if something were to would be 10x more tragic than if something happened to the other dogs. See Dakota isn't too bright.
Think of it this way...
your watching the news... someone gets hit by a passing think..aww what a shame...
now make that person mentally you think ...oh my that is so sad, who would hit a retarded person. Because the person was mentally challenged it becomes more tragic.
(don't say it doesn't )
So that is how we see our beloved 'koda'. He is our mentally challenged furry child. We also say is is the smartest dumb dog we know. We know he knows what he is doing, and does it anyway regardless of the consequences. It is just how he is, BUT, he is also, of our our 3, the family dog. The kids could pull on him, smack him, ride him like a horse and he would still come back for more and more. He crawls up in your lap like a puppy..all 70 pounds of him. He is the most loveable dog in the world.
Since Emma was born, we haven't had much time for the dogs. Well the last 3 days Dakota hasn't been feeling well. Then this morning I went downstairs and he wouldn't move. I begged him to get up, but our beloved just wanted to lay down. Finally, after much nudging, he went outside to go potty.
I made an appointment with the vet and had been crying all morning. I kept telling my husband that I needed more time with him to make up for the last couple of months.
turns out, Dakota has Lyme's Disease. WHEW!!!, though it can be a severly dibilitating disease, he is going to be okay with the right treatments.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Today is Friday, and it is Good
In celebration of gossip or politics will be posted (Till Monday atleast)
Enjoy your Easter with your families, Remember what Christ has given so that you may live.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You....
Enjoy your Easter with your families, Remember what Christ has given so that you may live.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You....
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Let's Show the World, How Our Politicians Have Great Morals!

One excerpt states:
"In a stunning revelation, both Paterson, 53, and his wife, Michelle, 46, acknowledged in a joint interview they each had intimate relationships with others during a rocky period in their marriage several years ago.
In the course of several interviews in the past few days, Paterson said he maintained a relationship for two or three years with "a woman other than my wife," beginning in 1999."
In the course of several interviews in the past few days, Paterson said he maintained a relationship for two or three years with "a woman other than my wife," beginning in 1999."
So David Patterson (Democrat) is the new Governor of New York. He has replaced Spitzer, you know the guy that paid 80 grand for a hooker.
Granted, he admits that his marriage was rocky, he admits the affair, he admits working it out with his wife...but you know what... I am tired of Political figures that are so hopped up on the Viagra that they can't keep their dicks in their pants and the horny asses end up making a mockery of the United States. I am tired of the excuses. Can't we have a decent, honest, hard working person stationed in our political offices? I don't care if you admit it.
I am just tired of it. He may be a good guy now, but it seems to me he didn't bat an eye lash when having an affair that lasted a few years. Your marriage is rocky...well honey...whoring around town for a couple years probably didn't help anything. That goes for you, and your wife.
Open relationships aren't cool when you have made a promise to be faithful before God.
You have now made a promise to be faithful to the United States, Before God, why should I believe you?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Okay I got no love for you lady

Dr. Laura blames Spitzer’s wife for scandal.Today, right-wing radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger appeared on NBC’s Today Show in a segment called “Why do men cheat?” Schlessinger argued that Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D) cheated because his wife failed “make him feel like a man”:
When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings — sexually, personally — to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like her hero, he’s very susceptible to the charm of some other woman. […]
The cheating was his decision to repair what’s damaged and to feed himself where he’s starving. But yes, I hold women accountable for tossing out perfectly good men by not treating them with the love and kindness and respect and attention they need.
Here is the video of this insane woman
THAT'S RIGHT...BLAME IT ON THE WIFE. This guy spent $88,000 worth of tax payer money getting hummers under his desk and we are supposed to be sympathetic b/c his wife wasn't servicing his needs. I can't believe this 'doctor', does she live in the 1920's... DOCTOR LAURA...HE HAD TO PAY FOR SEX!!!! How does that help an ego..I repeat... HE HAD TO PAY FOR SEX!!!! There was no charm that he was susseptable to...he paid the hooker. What about the fact that this man could of brought AIDS home to his wife? 'Doctor' Laura dumbass says that woman are tossing out perfectly good men...what was so great about this man? He's a perv!
my lord woman...
damn democrats.
ps. I thought his wife looks cute.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Where is the love?
So yeah.. that is what I was thinking this morning. Where is the love, where is the good in people?
All I have heard lately is bad shit this, bad shit that...I haven't had a good ole fashion "WOW..this person did that and it was really awesome!"
So this is my challenge...TO EVERYONE!
Tell me something good about someone...even if it was a stranger that did some good.
I will start.
The last time I was truly blown away was a few weeks ago..
The day before this had happened, I was thinking about how much crap was going down in my life and thought to myself, I have alot to thank God for, so I should just roll with the punches for right now, then the day after I had this 'revelation'
it was a real pissy day and felt like flipping my middle finger up at the world, I was a grump and couldn't break free of my 'imaginable thoughts' and then the McDonalds cashier leaned out the window and said "You Have a blessed day"
He is the same cashier I see every morning when I get my coffee. And every morning he says the same thing. I used to get a giggle out of it, because seriously, who says that? Well, I guess, he does.
Then I drove away and thought.. "Way to remind me God.. Thanks"
I came back to that Cashier the next day and handed him a Thank You card. Just to say Thank you for reminding me. I wanted him to know that his words had an impact on atleast one person.
All I have heard lately is bad shit this, bad shit that...I haven't had a good ole fashion "WOW..this person did that and it was really awesome!"
So this is my challenge...TO EVERYONE!
Tell me something good about someone...even if it was a stranger that did some good.
I will start.
The last time I was truly blown away was a few weeks ago..
The day before this had happened, I was thinking about how much crap was going down in my life and thought to myself, I have alot to thank God for, so I should just roll with the punches for right now, then the day after I had this 'revelation'
it was a real pissy day and felt like flipping my middle finger up at the world, I was a grump and couldn't break free of my 'imaginable thoughts' and then the McDonalds cashier leaned out the window and said "You Have a blessed day"
He is the same cashier I see every morning when I get my coffee. And every morning he says the same thing. I used to get a giggle out of it, because seriously, who says that? Well, I guess, he does.
Then I drove away and thought.. "Way to remind me God.. Thanks"
I came back to that Cashier the next day and handed him a Thank You card. Just to say Thank you for reminding me. I wanted him to know that his words had an impact on atleast one person.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Oh Turd!
I drove home last night from work...listening to my 3 year old scream at me and stuff. Then walked through the door, to a nice fragrant "umm what is that smell?..." I freshened the house with flower stuff the night before but THIS...THIS does not smell like flowers.
I walk into the living room on my beautiful white shag rug, there is a turd. Not just any turd... a dog turd.. not just any dog turd.. a MASSIVE, held it in for 3 weeks till it got mushy and soft, sat there for an hour and took a massive dump on the beautiful white shag rug...kinda turd.
I flipped out. I kicked all 3 , yes I am that stupid to have 3 dogs, outside in the cold, tried cleaning it only to find I had no carpet cleaner left. Had to pack both kids in the car again, drag them to Walmart and listen to my son scream at me the entire way there. Had to fight with my son in the store b/c he kept throwing himself on the floor. Finally I told him I am going to drag you if you fall to the floor again. My promise was kept..then some old bag sat there shaking her head at me with her jaw to the floor..."Hey Old Bag... YOU try this at home, then come and tell me I am wrong and while your at home..clean up the dog crap for me!"
Get home, Hubby is there. He begins to clean the rug. It takes him and hour. He calls to me "Elnora I need a fresh nose"
So I go and drag my nose across the carpet, you know where the dog just took the massive dump, to see if I could still know, the turd... I only smelled carpet cleaner. I turned to hubby and threw my arms around him and kissed him..tongue and all.
He said that if all it took was cleaning up a little shit to get a little action, he would change jobs.
I had been in tears all night, I just thought I would throw a little appreciation my husbands way!
I walk into the living room on my beautiful white shag rug, there is a turd. Not just any turd... a dog turd.. not just any dog turd.. a MASSIVE, held it in for 3 weeks till it got mushy and soft, sat there for an hour and took a massive dump on the beautiful white shag rug...kinda turd.
I flipped out. I kicked all 3 , yes I am that stupid to have 3 dogs, outside in the cold, tried cleaning it only to find I had no carpet cleaner left. Had to pack both kids in the car again, drag them to Walmart and listen to my son scream at me the entire way there. Had to fight with my son in the store b/c he kept throwing himself on the floor. Finally I told him I am going to drag you if you fall to the floor again. My promise was kept..then some old bag sat there shaking her head at me with her jaw to the floor..."Hey Old Bag... YOU try this at home, then come and tell me I am wrong and while your at home..clean up the dog crap for me!"
Get home, Hubby is there. He begins to clean the rug. It takes him and hour. He calls to me "Elnora I need a fresh nose"
So I go and drag my nose across the carpet, you know where the dog just took the massive dump, to see if I could still know, the turd... I only smelled carpet cleaner. I turned to hubby and threw my arms around him and kissed him..tongue and all.
He said that if all it took was cleaning up a little shit to get a little action, he would change jobs.
I had been in tears all night, I just thought I would throw a little appreciation my husbands way!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Patrick Swayze is Dying of Cancer

Patrick's reps just released this statement:
"Actor Patrick Swayze has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. Patrick's physician Dr. George Fisher states, 'Patrick has a very limited amount of disease and he appears to be responding well to treatment thus far. All of the reports stating the timeframe of his prognosis and his physical side effects are absolutely untrue. We are considerably more optimistic.' Patrick is continuing his normal schedule during this time, which includes working on upcoming projects. The outpouring of support and concern he has already received from the public is deeply appreciated by Patrick and his family."