If you disagree... okay then, click the pick to buy your costume...

I used to question whether or not emotions were real. How can we go from one extreme to the next and think that it's normal to 'feeeel' that way?
How can one person be so totally in love with someone... and that person not be in love with them? You would think that there was some deep connection that caused someone to fall so deeply and helplessly in love with the other person, right?
So then there is the reverse. I understand hatred. But how can you loathe someone for something so ridiculous that happened 10-15 years ago? How can someone hold a grudge for that long and still get enraged talking about it?
How can someone that hasn't seen a person in 10 years, still feel 'love' . Or have a dream and wake up feeling sad it was just a dream?
Can you be in love with two people at the same time?
Then there is mother/child/ father/child love? That is crazy love... I would step over anyone for my children.
Then there are feelings of 'like' and 'fondness'...
and Sadness.... why cry?... does it help? but we cry.. and boy oh boy when I am upset..do I cry.
Sometimes I scream in my pillow I am so upset/hurt.
And there is always grief. We have all experienced grief.
you go on a myspace page and there are more than 50 way's to describe how you are feeling for the day/ your mood...
Where does this post come from? just a dream I had.
But here I am, at work. Dropped my daughter off this morning and it broke my heart to see my snuggles given away to her nanny. Those were my snuggles. I want them back!
To me (my opinion), I think it's too lenient. Why should the sign look like any other?
I like the judge in Kansas that ordered a sex offender to post this sign. He had to have one on his car and his house. The guy of course said that he thought the punishment was too severe, but what about what the children he molested are going to suffer with for the rest of their lives? Don't they deserve some assurance that this offender won't re-offend, and don't the people in his neighborhood deserve to know who is living next to them. I think the moment he committed the crime, he gave up his rights to live in peace.
I like New York, where the police will knock on your door and tell you that a sex offender has just moved in, They aren't allowed to live with family members or friends that have children, they aren't allowed to live with in a quarter mile of a school, and everything is posted on the net with the details of their crimes. But where do they go, they go to Coram, that creepy town in Long Island that has 45 high-risk registered sex offenders in the town, 17 on the same block and 7 in the same house. So I say put out a sign. And in the case of Coram...a BIG one!
Shit I would say, tattoo their arms....but to me.. I think that there is no rehabilitation for sex offenders. I think that sex offenders should get life in prison. I'm not saying that the 18 year old that got convicted of statutory rape of his 17 year old girl friend should (some of those laws need to be re-visited). I am saying that people who molest young children, rape, torture, people who rape women (& men) you get my drift, should go to prison with no possibility of parole. I would be willing to pay a little more in my taxes if it assured my children were safe(r)
Don't know how many live near you? Go to The National Registry of Sex Offenders
you might be surprised by the result.
HOMELESS 'DRIVEN' TO VOTE OBAMA (click headline for article)
"CLEVELAND - Volunteers supporting Barack Obama picked up hundreds of people at homeless shelters, soup kitchens and drug-rehab centers and drove them to a polling place yesterday on the last day that Ohioans could register and vote on the same day, almost no questions asked...."
"Early today, Stadlin's van picked up William Woods, 59, at the soup kitchen of the Bishop Cosgrove Center."I never voted before," Woods said, because of a felony conviction that previously barred him from the polls. "Without this service, I would have had no way to get here."
Am I missing something here? I can understand drumming up voters and all, but picking up the homeless and shuffling them to the voting polls b/c you can register the same day as you can vote without any background verification in Ohio, seems a bit wrong and desparate.
Yes I know that the homeless still have a right to vote, and that is not what I am saying. But I have a problem b/c they are taking advantage of the Ohio laws which might lead to higher fraud in the voting process. Hasn't this been a problem in the past?
3.5 million people are homeless in the United States. I wonder, will voting help them? Or are they going to be used as pawns of the process. I guess it would be illegal to promise them a meal if they vote.
Just something about it doesn't sit well for me.