Thursday, June 22, 2006

My husband is having an affair!!!

NO NOT BEALLY, BUUUUUT.......Remember the movie Christine??? (You might if you are my age), well meet Violet, yes this is my husband's new girlfriend. Am I jealous, of course, why...oh I don't know. Maybe the fact that 3 times already I have been disappointed and he has only owned the car/truck/bitch for a week. It really serves no purpose either! First he wanted a garage, then he wanted a full size truck, then he wanted a garage again, then it was this peice of shit! "Make up your mind" I said. And I guess he did, he chose the curvy Violet, evil little hag!
Granted, he gets to spend more time with his dad tinkering, and once it is done I will probably love to go to shows, and I have some ideas on how to spruce it up myself, and our son will love it one day I can't say why I hate this bitch so much. It's just something about it. I think I fear that he will want to spend more time with her than me. That maybe she is prettier than me. I have no clue......anyone else have .any ideas????


  1. Anonymous22 June, 2006

    Just curious... is that trailer in the background your home?

  2. Why no Dick it's not...
    That is the photo off the net...he bought it from a coal miner in West Virginia. I think that was the guys storage shed or something. Nice observation though.. I love you Dick Small!!!

  3. That was funny DS.

  4. HAhahahahHAHA
    trailer in the background... HAHAHahahaha

    Hey Ellie don't forget to add the slack to your links
    Dick will think he's better than me if he has a link and I don't - and we don't want that do we

  5. Hi Ellie
    Thanks for the site, but it was videocodes...I just want a song. I'm an idiot and I'm sure this ERKS you...

    Is there a site for just music codes? Is it the same site?
    Remember, I'm an idiot


  6. Aycarumba! You must have me confused with all your comments to me...

    I just want to get one song to play a loop like you have...all I see is videocodes. I don't want a video...just a you (cool tune btw) ba baba ba baba baba...

    addictive song...perfect blog music.

  7. you gotta send your email to avoid this comment communication!

    Email me and I'll show you how to set up a radio music load. You can select the station you want. at BOTTOM! Doh! Got it. I'm a male. We have issues.

    This tune ROCKS! PERFECT BLOG TUNE! I keep your blog up just to be musically hypnotized. It makes me want to BBQ!

  8. Joe, you don't list your email.....

  9. I lost my hubby to a Harley Davidson Bike last year...I know how you feel. That thing is more accessorized than I am!!

    1 st time here, nice place!

  10. I tried to send step by step and got this;
    Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is broken:

    email is on blog but go here;

  11. Ellie send m your email. I would like to reply to your coment but not on open blog.

  12. I forgot to give you my email:

  13. Anonymous23 June, 2006

    Wooo, alistair! that is one butt-ugly profile shot! You make even ME look good(although i'm sure you're beautiful inside)! No offense, please.

  14. So was your husband screwing around or what?

    Jeeeeeeesh. Maybe your complaing set him astray. ;)

  15. Anonymous28 June, 2006

    I'd choose you over the truck any day, Ellie!
