Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Finally the smack!!!

I love the girls and fellas at
They give blog reviews, and are not always "nice", but that is the fun of it all.

Even though I didn't get any smacks (I was hoping for one) I wasn't a total loser. It was the music that did me in! I knew it would be as I said in one of my previous posts. . But atleast I had dedicated a song to them!

My other pittfalls.. the explanation of why I spelled "Irks" / "Erks". She didn't care, she just didn't feel I needed to explain... well I took it down b/c if the girls at IT2M, don't care, neither do I.
Next, my pretty pics in my side bar...I liked em' but I took those down too.
Finally, my dirtly little side bar. Can't help it. I don't know how to blog roll, I like my links... I have to give props to my loyal bloggers!

Thanks Merciless Minx... I love your site and will stay ever so loyal..! Maybe one day I will earn a smack! :)
All of my readers should definately check them out!
**update** I got my smack back for not being so annoying and receptive to cheek isn't too red...I must say, I enjoy a little slap every now & then! **wink wink**


  1. I liked your blog as it was. *shrugs*

  2. Gotta love a good sport when so many people go nuts over their review. Props to you for that.

  3. congrats on the smackage :)

  4. I will leave the goin' nuts to Jamie Lee :)

  5. true to you!!! If they didn't like something, I would KEEP IT ON!!! I guess it is just my rebel nature. I also have authority problems too {sigh}

  6. To be honest...those were the things I debated...
    I added the Erk explanation b/c too many complained about the misspelling. Irk was already taken if people must know...
    The pics I took down..wasn't really sure if I liked them.
    The music, it wasn't the first complaint..was the only thing I was iffy about. I get the point of it though.

  7. Found you through IT2M, I like your blog...very funny. And I have to say I laughed my ass off over the Jamie Lee thing; can't wait to ruin certain people's fantasies :D :D
