Sunday, October 29, 2006

Oh Gee This is so much FUN!!!

So I had the choice to either attend a 3yr old birthday party, or a baby shower. Actually I really had no choice. Hubby took the son to the b-day party of screaming 2 and 3 yr olds fighting over who opens the presents and who gets the biggest peice of cake, and I was lucky enough to be the one who had to drive an hour & a half away for a shower of a girl that I always thought hated me and that I have only seen MAYBE 5 times in my life. How then did I get invited...b-friends sister is the one having the tater tot. Atleast I knew 3 people. The games were a little more fun this time, but the majority of this party was 2 hours of opening gifts. Then her mother says "OOOHHOOHHH we have one more game and Elnora HAS to play this one... I am volonteering her!!" giggle giggle snort snort! The game....who can suck apple juice out of a baby bottle the fastest. I don't know if you know this...especially you RWA... sucking anything out of a baby bottle takes alot of work...or should I say "skills" WHY was I the first one who posessed these skills? Especially by the mother of the group.....Ang, have you been sharing stories?


  1. well El, maybe the baby shower will bring you good luck!!! you know, vibes and all....

    as for the mom, pointing out you sucking prowness...aint gonna touch that, except to say, I bet this is the FIRST time RWA gets turned on from tales of baby showers!!!!


    come back to my place, I just blogged about my party....and I wish you could ahve been there too... :)

  2. So, are you saying you have "baby bottle sucking" skills? Is that it?

    I can't believe you called me out in your blog. That's messed up!!!


  3. I didn't say I had "skills" I wanted to know why the mother 'thought' I had skills...

    As for calling you out...hope you didn't mind... I only do that to bloggie friends I truely admire, respect and can only hope to be like......:)

  4. "I only do that to bloggie friends I truely admire, respect and can only hope to be like......:)"

    Yeah, yeah, yeah...whatever you say.


    So, you neglected to mention if you WON the game or not. Inquiring minds want to know...

  5. After they found out I was just going to bite down really hard and remove the tip of the nipple...they figured it be best I sit it out.

    Cheaters never win....or was it the violence...guess we'll never know!

  6. hey you should guest post over here this week!

  7. Hey, whatever it takes to win, right?

    Guest blog? On your site? It would be an honor. Just let me know what I need to do!

  8. All ya gots ta do is think of something funny to write about...then go to my profile and email me your post...


    Never had a man in here b4

  9. Wow...I will be the first man in here as a guest poster?!?!?!?!

    Let me get on it right now...
