Monday, January 08, 2007

See this is what I am talking about....

This is what Angelina had to say about her own daughter in the new Harper's Bazaar Mag...

"I think I feel so much more for Madd and Zee because they're survivors, they came through so much. Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. I have less inclination to feel for her...I met my other kids when they were 6 months old, they came with a personality. A newborn really is this...Yes, a blob! But now she's starting to have a personality...I'm conscious that I have to make sure I don't ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable"

But as the Defamer points out:
"To her credit, Jolie seems conscious of her bias against Shiloh and is taking the proper steps to correct any neglectful behavior; for example, when she hears her daughter's mewling over the baby monitor, she no longer storms into the nursery and scolds, "You think you're hungry? Don't you realize that your sister Zee never even saw food before I rescued her from that refugee camp and took her to a meal at the Four Seasons? Now stop crying and take a minute to think about how easy you've got it, you spoiled little thing."


  1. ok...I think she is taking her Oscar a little too seriously for GIRL Interrupted...time for her to get back on her meds!!!!

  2. I just left a comment but beta is being an S.O.B. today..let me know if it comes thru!!!

  3. Wow. So stealing a husband (who WANTED to be stolen), swearing your NOT sleeping with him then getting pregant before the divorce is finalized and havin' bupkis for mothering instinct is why she's looked up to? Daym, when did hobags take over the planet and get to say they're better people because of it??

    Seriously, you want to fix something? And your an AMERICAN actor that makes AMERICAN DOLLARS in the USA? Oh I don't know, maybe help out your fellow citizens?!? But then you don't get braggin rights on what baby you bought from the 3rd world - ala Madonna. Or fake a shit British accent Paltrow/Madonna both.

    I don't take orders from idiots. I'm not inclined to honor the idiots who spout their "we're bad because we have money and food and freedom" bullshit either. I pay entertainers to be entertained, not to color my worldview.

    I'm also real, REAL curious as to just how little those actors in Hatti and Africa and Thailand got paid in relation to the hours they had to work. You know, it's not like their nations are going to protect their rights as workers and humans... Any movie filmed outside the developed world is very suspect in it's practices to it's extras and behind-the-scene workers imo.

  4. Thank your Rhianna!!!!! :)

  5. Maybe I read it wrong, but I didn't take it to be that bad. Her children were in different situations; she's never dealt with a newborn before.

    Of course, I don't have kids - so what do I know?

  6. Is this for real? OMG OMG OMG

    Last person I expected to admit any favoritsm. It sounds so unreal... What a piece of work to actually say that. I mean I understand that her first 2 were extremely under priveledged but at this point in time, they're all EQUALLY as priveledged so WTF, why bother saying any of it? Listen, she got the other kids when they were 6 months old? Umm, not sure about you guys, but I dont remember a hell of a lot from when I was 6 months old, so whatever hell they went through prior to her ass rescuing them, THEY DONT REMEMBER AND WONT REMEMBER! Now THEY'RE the OVER priveledged ones right along side is Shiloh... so what makes any one of those 3 better than the other? Umm, not a goddamned thing : )

    ... and new borns aren't "blobs" omfg, what was she thinking spewing that garbage, lol.

    lol @ the bottom half of that post Ellie... Storming in screaming "you think you're hungry"

    Too much, I tell ya.

    Hows mama doing?

  7. lol Rhianna about the "fake British accents!!" I know, that toally annoys me too.

  8. and maybe it's just that I don't like her.

  9. I like her lips and her tits, thats about it.

  10. I go go so many ways with that one Ice...but I will let you off easy.

    I don't like anything about
