Thursday, February 22, 2007

Britney Attacks Paparazzi

And I say Good for her. I know I know, Brit has put herself is a slight situation. BUT in her defense...she was trying to see her children. Paparazzi were all over the car. She was upset. She BEGGED 'please please don't do this"! They kept snapping she flipped out. Even got a good hit on one of the photogs. I know she is famous and there is a certain expectation of Paparazzi, but when they are on you night and day and won't let up and you beg and plead..what is she supposed to do. The re-hab she was at said that there were hundreds of photo hogs camped outside and helicopters flying over trying to get a snap shot.
I say leave her alone and let her get healthy damn!

for a link to the video go here ->


  1. I could not agree with you more, Ellie. Paparazzi are worse than leeches. I can't imagine having no privacy in my life; I'd be in the looney bin in no time.

  2. -- but many many do deal with it in a much better way... some just attract the paparazzi more so than others with their whacked out behaviour... she has asked for this attention. :-)

    She could ignore it, it's not always easy being the bigger person, but in this world it's got nothing to do with the "situation" it's all about the "reaction"

    She reacted badly.

  3. I heard it was actually Sinead O'Connor.

    On a different note.....sorry I haven't been visiting much lately. My new job keeps me pretty busy.

  4. I heard it was actually Sinead O'Connor.

    On a different note.....sorry I haven't been visiting much lately. My new job keeps me pretty busy.

  5. just glad to see you back dogg!

    I am sure she could have ignored it. But they were purposely egging her one. Every photohog wanted that picture of Britney at her breaking point. If I hadn't heard the video I probably wouldn't feel this way. But she clearly begs them.. Please guys don't do this got your shot. and they kept clicking away.
