Thursday, July 12, 2007

Another Interesting Marital Conversation

So I say to hubby... "We can't buy this toilet paper anymore, it doesn't last long enough and I am always changing the roll". (You know not enough sheets per roll.)

His reply " Well stop sticking it in the water before you wipe your butt!"

WTF???? That is my husband's idea of a funny joke. So we continue to rag on each other. And I say "hey maybe when you get your vasectomy, your hair will grow back!" (they say it's a testosterone issue you know)

His reply "Maybe you'll get a d**k in the eye"!
"Why would you put it there?" I say... And start laughing uncontrollably, exclaiming to him how silly his comebacks are.

Then we go back to the toilet paper issue and I know, if I dipped the paper in the water that would be really dirty. If it were only pee pee water, maybe biologically it wouldn't be, b/c that is a natural mechanism to rid your out extremities of germs. That is why vultures legs are white. They stand in dead carcass all day, then when they pee pee, it goes all over their legs to kill the germs with the ammonia.

Husband gets a puzzled look on his face...and doesn't know how to respond.

This has been another public service announcement from the Little's Marriage! (sick I know, but I couldn't help it)


  1. Wow. Is that really why vultures' legs are white?

  2. yup's true. When I did daycare, I had an animal rescue come in with a bunch of animals to show the kids. One of the animals was a vulture, and that is what he said. Their legs are naturally black, but I guess with the pee pee, dead animal and stuff, it turns em' white.


  3. Speaking of toilet paper, Kimberly Clark has just come out with an automatic "TP" dispenser. Spits out 5 sheets at a time. Supposed to save on "TP" usage. When queried about some folks objecting to a dole of only 5 sheets per wipe, a Kimberly Clark spokesperson replied that people will accept what they are given.

  4. No, some other person will come out with the mini roll you can carry in your purse!!! lol!

  5. Came over from RWA's...

    funny about the vultures... I never knew that...

    this was quite a story...
    chuckle chuckle!

  6. Thanks for stopping by Terri...
    I think that the marital conversations might be a regular topic here...when they are funny. I will try not to use the word 'd*ck' so often though.
    You should of been here for the one about vampires and werewolves.

  7. ROFLMBO! Good thing no one was in the office today when I read this, had me laughing big time for some reason!


  8. YAY!!! I was hoping someone would laugh!
