So Hypersonic said I haven't posted today, so here goes. Only thing I could really talk about today. You will have to forgive me b/c I am hormonal in the 8th month so I have sex on the brain!
So another friend of mine is pregnant also, she is only in the first trimester and has been banned from sex for right now. She isn't sure when she will get clearance to do so. I understand that sex isn't always the easiest of accomplishments when you are pregnant..geesh, it's like a circus act for me and hubby right now since my belly is soooo ginormous. So I asked her...will you still pleasure him? She said she didn't know. So I had to ask, will you at least hand him the bottle of lotion?
Some of my friends freak out if they catch their significant others in the "moment". Personally...I don't care unless I had been planning on a shagging that evening. I wonder how many care about the personal pleasures.
In my younger years we had 'toys' but I felt they took away from our intimacy, so I don't have any now. But for the men, it is so much easier to do and I think more of a temptation. Some of my friends can't handle that bit.
Wow. As a male, I'm not sure how to respond to that without getting myself into trouble!
RWA, I'm with you, buddy. All I can say is that there are a variety of ways to remove the fur from a feline.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with it. I think that it's mean if my friends hubby doesn't get any satisfaction for the next 8 months. As men you should cry for his poor soul.
ReplyDeleteHey! I have no probs. I regularly masturbate, with or without my wife whn she is present too.And I know she does too. Also I've never had a problem of sex with pregnant ladies. You people are so hung up on sex!
ReplyDeleteI guess you wouldn't be able to handle it if the wifey banned you... which is cruel and unusual punishment
ReplyDeleteAccording to Men's Health some countries have males that average 8 masterbations a week. Wow! It's like that Beatles song...Eight days a week!
ReplyDelete8 days a week...wouldn't your shlong be sore?
ReplyDeletewho needs a wife then?
why would someone want to masturbate when they have someone right beside them, more then happy to be doing the masturbating for them?
ReplyDeleteas for your firend..I forsee big trouble in her future. Loss of intimacy usually affects the marriage because it connects the couple. He may feel rejected and neglected. Alot of men associate sex with showing their wives their love and affection.
Won't she miss it either???
I am all for all couples using and doing what they have to ( toys, oils, etc nothing degrading or if one coupkle is against it) , if it helps spice the curry so to speak.
more then happy to be doing the masturbating for them<
ReplyDeleteBecause women don't know how to handle a penis. It's a fine art.
Woozie, your women are young yet...they will learn, especially if you kindly show them how. There is nothing wrong with giving a little direction. But on the voice of reason here, you should be over 18, in love and preferably married :)
ReplyDeletenicole: Because sometimes it's sexy. Even sexier when someone is doing it for you. I lurve sex-games and experimenting.
ReplyDeleteellie: a cruel and unusual punishment indeed. But there's always the bathroom with it's lock on the door. So there are ways round the ban :o) .
ReplyDeletethat's what I meant...when there is someone right there willing to be doing all the touching for you, why do it yourself.
Unless of course you find it sexy to watch your partner masturbate, then of course.
For me, I would be insulted if my husband layed there and felt himself up and then just went to sleep. I would be "HELLOOOOOOO"!!!
as for woozie's comment, well I have never had a complaint yet on how I handle a penis.
How about you El? I think young woozie will learn that maybe, women know what they are doing when it comes to the art of the penis.
I actually had someone show me. Apparently I was a little rough at first. But I also asked if I was doing it right. I also learned by watching how he handled it.
ReplyDeleteMy husband has never been shy about that stuff.
And your right, I couldn't sit there while hubby just did it...if that was the case, do it when I don't know your doing it, but if your going to do it in front of me, there has to be a little something extra going on.
Of course there's extra going on, what would be the point. I once had a girl who nearly yanked my dick off she was that enthusiastic. And it took many times to show her how to do it correctly ;p~
ReplyDeletemany times, heh hyper?? all the sacrifices one makes , [(sighs)]!!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteat least she was enthusiastic and didn't just lay there like a limp pun intended!!!
YOU'RE PREGNANT??!?! How did THAT happen???!? MAN, i'm SO sorry I haven't been around to say congrats. Now I feel bad.
ReplyDeleteDo you know if it's going to be a boy or girl (ultrasound)?? If so, have you picked out a name??????
Congratulations to both of you guys, I wish you the best.
Man, show up every day and nothing happens, stay away for 8 months and everything changes...
You're too much pun intended.
ReplyDeleteHow did that happen, well let's see... not by masterbating.
Emma is due in 28 days. She is a planned c-section for high risk reasons. Her actual due date is August 28th, but they are going a bit earlier.
She is just shy of 5 pounds and with gaining a pound a week, she will be in between 9-10 pounds.
I can't blame you for playing hookie though...look how long I have been away!
Emma, what a pretty name.
ReplyDeleteBtw, the link to my site on your sidebar is wrong. It's no longer sheer-lunacy (well I guess my content is, but not my url).
Um, did you have any MORE kids while I was away??
OMG! One of my real pet peeves - why do chicks get so mental about a dude whackin' off? They do the same damn thing, they just pretend it's more "ladylike". Bullshit, if it's good for the goose it's good for the gander imo.
ReplyDeleteThat said, hubby and I know the other does it. For God's sake the man has been gone 18 out of the 24 months we've been assigned here. That's not including previous deployments, TDYs, training, and that lovely year-long stint in Korea right after we got married.
It's time for us to all put on our big girl panties and GET THE HELL OVER IT!! If the worst thing he does it jack-off it's so much easier than him screwing around on you, and safer for your sexual health as well.
Sorry, I just don't like hypocracy and women are really hypocrits about masterbation.
....I masturbate. Please don't tell anyone, though. If word got out, it would be really embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteI won't tell anyone Dick. And no more kids, I swear.
ReplyDeleteRhianna my friend swears she doesn't do it. (mmm hmmm)
I told hubby, after this post, I want my vibrator back. I said he can hide it from me and we can use it together, but I want it back damn it! fixed.
ReplyDeleteThanks! (about the link).
ReplyDeleteBtw, did he give it back, yet?? If so, are you gonna do a post about it??
ReplyDeleteNot yet. I just told him last night. He has to go to a store and buy it. B/c mine ended up in the trash.
ReplyDeleteI want to sit and wait in the car and watch him go in. hahahahhahahaa
Hahahaaa! Take a digital of him going into the store and post it, that would be hillarious.
ReplyDeleteThat is why we have YouTube I suppose!!!
ReplyDeleteWatching him come out would be funnier.
ReplyDeleteLyMZ8o The best blog you have!
ReplyDelete72fMn6 Good job!