Monday, July 30, 2007

I can't help it.

These are my favorite chips. My mouth is on fire.
What is your favorite chip?


  1. Cheetos. Hands down. Unfortunately, you get that orange crap all over your hands and spread it everywhere.

    Nimber 2 is thick cut tortilla chips. I love to sprinkle them with shredded cheese, put themin the microwave for 40 seconds then dump a pike of jalapenos on top. Good stuff.

  2. I'm going to have to go along with just dave with the Cheetos, Ellie. The crispy variety, not the puffy. I seldom eat 'em because, when I do, it's hard to stop.

    Also, "Mike~sells" Potato Chips. Can't put them down either. Love that salty potato taste. I eschew the flavored kind, even the "red hot." Those chips are just too good to mess with like that. Obviously, mine is a minority opinion, cos they sell like hot cakes.

  3. Anonymous30 July, 2007

    Fiery Habanero Doritos are much hotter.

  4. Crunchy Cheetos are by far the best thing ever created containing cheese (or, let's be honest, cheese PRODUCT)

  5. Cheetos....hmmmm...let's debate, are Cheetos a chip?

    As far as the orange stuff, I let it build up on my fingers then have loads of fun licking it off. I guess I am still a kid that way.

  6. Cheetos (crispy) are very good, but right now I am addicted to Sun Chips.

  7. eeeww. Sun Chips...taste like pooo to me, but to each his own!


  8. Firey Cheetos with Lime. I have to have them shipped in from the states - can't get 'em here at AAFES or the Commissary. Those Red Hot ones sound good though. A local brand, or national?

    If we're talking international - Walker's Crisps in Fresh Cracked Black Pepper & Sea Salt. It's the UK name of Frito-Lays. Those things are DIVINE!! Miss 'em like crazy, though there are a few spots you can get them from stateside.

  9. Red Hots are UTZ. I have never had firey Lime Cheetos... I must go grocery shopping!
