Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Got A Secret?

Tell it here anonymously....
This could be fun if you participate!


  1. What to say, what to say...I have quite a bit I don't tell anyone but myself.

  2. I think my brother hates me.

  3. I have lost my sex drive, and I think it's starting to annoy my spouse.

  4. your not the only one who has lost the mojo...
    but seriously now, hubby thinks it's all me...well I say, sex has gotten boring, make it worth my while, and maybe I'll come around again.

  5. I lost a baby a few months ago and I haven't told anyone yet. I was 9 weeks. I can't stop crying but I have to hide my emotions.

  6. I am not sure why you have to hide your emotions. Please whom ever you are, be careful. Not only are you morning, but your hormones are going crazy..take care of yourself.

    I am so sorry that ou are hurting so.

  7. i am in the middle of a seperation/divorce/whatever and my 10 year anniversary is in May. There. Is that what you wanted? ;)~

  8. Jahooni...not really...

    I was thinking more along the lines of.... I spit in my mother in laws lemonade and watched her drink it.

    I am sorry about your marital problems. It can't be easy. I hope that everything turns out the way it is supposed to, or the way that is best. Many hugs wished your way today!

  9. ok, I got one... I did spit in a cop's coffee once... he pulled me over for speeding just half an hour earlier, while I was on my way to work... as a waitress... sweet revenge.

  10. I spent $80 grand on hookers in the past three years. SHHHHH!

  11. that's funny, I just made $80 thousand giving hummers in the last year!
