Friday, February 22, 2008

Gotta hand it to her

Hillary was good with the quick whit and cheap shot.

In yesterdays debocile..I mean debate...she said about Obama's campaign & speeches:

"If your candidacy is going to be about words then they should be your own words," she said. "...Lifting whole passages from someone else's speeches is not change you can believe in, it's change you can Xerox."


  1. is that his middle finger that is up? are those claws or nails?

  2. I like the part about the rich people having had their president for 8 years. Yeah, I saw you and Bill down at the soup kitchen just the other night, asking for extra crackers.

  3. Jahooni..that is funny..I didn't notice i am laughing my ass off

    JDave...I was there...I passed her , her soup myself... Bill just sat back and had a cigar, he offered me one, but they didn't smell right so I had to say no thanks..

    Wooz...I think you nailed it... Dog is the appropriate adjective in this case!

  4. The most notable thing I got from the debate, confirms what I have said all along .. that there is not a dime's worth of difference between their socialist agendas.
