Friday, August 01, 2008

The house went Crazy

Seriously ya'll..they have lost their mind. Click here for the article

My response...
Shit...I guess b/c they control the house, the dems can just turn the lights out.
Who the hell are they to take a 5 week vacation when we have a severe financial crisis on our hands. America needs the help of our government and they just go on vacation. I guess as long as they get paid they don't care.

I am so disgusted with this type of behavior...from both sides.

Rep. Tom Cole (Okla.), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said the dimly lit chamber is a "vision of the future by the Democrat Party: The lights are out, there's no power, and the air conditioning is gonna go off soon."


  1. Ironically it's symbolic of what goes on in the brains of our people in government- BOTH sides! The fact that there was a maximum of only 20 reps that stuck around shows how much they care....

  2. I hate them all so very, very much.

    Except Robert Byrd, because a Klansman in congress is hilarious.

  3. OMG Woozie!!! I almost forgot about that!!!!
    Only in America...we have apologies being issued to the Minorities of the United States right now for wrong doings in the past...yet you have a Klansman in Congress. How are you a former klansman??? Tells you how week klansmen are huh...only way out of a gang is bang bang...but klansmen..oh okay dude, sure..have a good life.


  4. oh and did I mention..he is a Democrat!

  5. Hey, it was over, they adjourned. It's just reps trying to get publicity, and the funny thing is that offshore drilling won't be affecting the economy (if it gets passed) for at least another 5 years. So the republicans are lying...again.

  6. ANON.. I think that the Dems just want to pass it under a democratic administration.

    What about that idea?

  7. regardless of who wants to pass it, it won't affect the economy for years and years. So what's the point?

    Whoever is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, no matter what side of the aisle, it still won't bring gas prices down.

  8. The only thing that will bring gas prices down is the oil companies agreeing to less profit. Not going to happen.

    The issue here isn't the oil, it's the idea that the House and Senate each take over half the year off, in large chunks at set times as well as when they want to, regardless of what issues are on the table. Highest paid, least working, people I know...

    The only thing that is going to make the government play nice with each other is ... ummmm ... nothing? Won't ever happen, at least in my life time, I'm sure.

  9. One thing I thought about was how some of the republicans came back...actually took a flight much gas was that ?
