Saturday, December 06, 2008

hey man, um, yeah, see my mom is dying, and daddy says it could be any second, so man could you spare some change for some shoes...

Cause you know Jesus is going to be looking at her feet!!!!!!!

Christmas Shoes...everytime it comes on the radio, I cringe. Who the heck writes a song about a child's mother dying and the kid runs into the cold to buy his mother new shoes...but see the kid is so f'ing poor, he can't afford shoes for her. Then the man in line after being irritated that he had to wait in line while this kid counted pennies, gets all teary eyes and 'lays the money down'....I cannot stand that Christmas song...
I think it is the worst Christmas song ever,....
However John Denver did write a doozy...Please Daddy, (don't get drunk this Christmas) Wow....

Let's comprise a list.
Christmas shoes is my first vote!


  1. Hmm .. maybe "Santa Got Run Over By A Reindeer" could go away forever, and I wouldn't miss it.

    But this is 2008 .. and I'm waiting for someone to come out with "I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Clause." ;-)

  2. AHHHH but ecraig they have
    check out the lyrics:
    Standstill I saw Daddy Kissing Santa Clause Lyrics:
    I saw Daddy kissing Santa Clause
    Underneath the mistletoe last night
    Saw spots of green and red
    Get these thoughts out of my head
    I wish that I'd rolled over
    and gone back to sleep instead

    Not that there's anything wrong with that

    I saw Daddy tickle Santa Clause
    Underneath his beard so snowy white
    I couldn't make a noise
    Yeah, who would've thought that he liked boys?
    It seems that he's much further in
    the closet than my toys

    What would the, Son say?
    [ Find more Lyrics at ]
    What would the, Wife say?
    What would the, friends say?
    What would the, wife say?
    What would the, Son say?
    What would the, wife say?
    What would the, friends say?
    What would Jesus say?

    Then mommy and Daddy are kissing Santa Clause
    It's a three way, three way tonight
    I tell you it was rough
    Seeing Mom as fingercuffs
    Maybe this year, since Dad is queer,
    I'll get some better stuff

    Not that there's anything wrong with that
    Not that there's anything wrong with that

    I saw Daddy kissing Santa Clause
    I saw Daddy kissing Santa Clause
    I saw Daddy kissing Santa Clause
    I saw Daddy kissing Santa Clause
    I saw Daddy kissing Santa Clause
