I am sorry to be so political lately. I can't help it. For the first time in my life I have felt like my vote will make the difference that this country needs. It has always bothered me that the voters in the electorial college do not nessecarily have to vote the way the state had, but for the most part they do. UNTIL NOW!
Our wonderful (democratic) governor O'Mally just signed a Maryland law/bill that makes my head spin. You can read the article here, but the gist is...
Maryland is now going to be the first state that will give it's electorial votes away to the presidential cantidate that leads in the national race, instead of the way the voters have voted. Since Maryland is a Democratic state, for the most part, it could be a good thing for Republicans, but still, I would much rather have my vote count.
When I read the article, it makes me wonder if the law even matters, or would impose b/c apparently a certain amount of the states have to do the same thing for the law to take effect. But for Maryland to be the leader...grrr.
Why can't we just leave well enough alone. The general population already has it's qualms with our voting process now, and now we have to say...let's throw out the people's vote? I don't think that this is what our founding fathers had in mind.
that does sound crazy. Sometimes I might let my imagination get the best of me (too many movies), but so many things have happened in our society lately that it's starting to feel like we're going backwards and undoing so much of the good stuff that was done in the past.
ReplyDeleteThat ain't good.
I'll vote for that! Crap, that's right, my vote won't count...I'm just another chad in the wall.
ReplyDeleteI had not heard of that until you posted it. You mean to tell me that if Maryland votes for Candidate A, but Candidate B is winning overall with the country, Maryland will cast its electoral votes to Candidate B?
ReplyDeleteThat certainly is not representing your people.
I never liked the Electoral College anyway. Seems way too oligarchic, especially considering under normal circumstances they're not even required to vote the way the majority of people in their state vote.
ReplyDeleteVoter Fraud... I love America!
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I'm not American so I don't know the rules but its sounds undemocratic to me, it might well be able to be challenged in court.