Friday, April 20, 2007

My baby is beautiful!

My daughter, Emma Josephine, waved and said hello for the sonogram yesterday. We ran into some complications that make her high risk now. However, Michael and I are optimistic. We love her too much already to think the worst. I will try to post her sonogram pics later...if I can figure out how to work the scanner.

You can check out her issue here. Two Vessel Umbilical Cord


  1. I know you and your hubby are naturally concerned, Ellie, but that article you linked to points out that the odds are in your favor of having a healthy baby. I'm thinking that proper rest and diet will increase those odds.

  2. Yes, I know. Just with all the complications we have had and other issues, it was a hard pill to swallow.

    It's just, I have her name, her room is set up, I have a ton of cloths, and I feel her... she is my baby..ya know.

    I am optomistic though. I know that I have to start eating a bit better.

    Thank you for your well wishes. I can't wait to upload the sonogram.

  3. In the link, I couldn't find anything that directly said two vessel umbilical cord, just Single Umbilical it the same thing?

    I think you will be ok, and even though it's hard, try to think positive. You should get some of the crappy stress out of your life for starters. Did this make your hubby sit up and pay attention?

    I will think good, happy thoughts for you El...I am so excited about Emma Josephine! Brooklyn was a cute name, but I love pretty and feminine.

  4. Emma is a wonderful name. It speaks to me of comfort, for some reason. I have a good feeling that everything will go well.

  5. Yeah, Emma's a lot better than Brooklyn :) She'll be fine.

  6. I agree with e.craig. Hang in there. It seems that the medical world is pretty good with this condition.

  7. I LOVE the name you've picked (my daughter is Emma, too!) and I think you have a healthy attitude about it, so I'm sure that will carry over to the rest of the pregnancy!

  8. Thanks everyone.. I am keeping my head up! I will try to have pics tomorrow.

  9. It's almost like businesses forget about the troops while they're overseas, which is odd considering businesses like to say they support the troops since it beings in more customers.

  10. You'll be great Ellie, I think you have lots of good karma headed your way.

    Emma is a beautiful name - classy and elegant.

  11. Angel...I am keeping my head up. I always find that everything works out in the end. God has never let me down before.
