On my way to work this morning, I made my usual call to hubby. He answered the phone in a panic ... "Hey Hunny..wait one second!" Then there was all this clammering and rustling about, I hear 3 voices..."pull the wall back...yeah that's rightaaaaaahhh gross!!" "uuugg...aaaah...there they are!" "Oh nooooooo!!!!"
Then Hubby returns "Baby I gotta call ya back" I ask what is going on, "well this lady has a bit of a cockroach problem!" I immediately crinched and let out a whine! When Hubby calls back there are still three voices whining. He went on to explain that they pulled the wall off the house they were remodeling and a flood of cockroaches invaded their space. Hubby made a WHOOSH sound to describe the flood of pesky suckers. He said the homeowner was freaking out. "what, like she didn't know she had that many cockroaches..gimme a break!" Hubby then went on to explain they were in a townhome and the roaches were from the house next door!!!! I think I would die! What do you do? I would go next door and have a stern talk with the dirty little nasty next door. If it was a money thing I think I would have to pay to get their house "debugged" ...after I called the health department. Now that they let them in...whose to say one or two little critters aren't hiding under her bed!
My skin crawls just thinking about it!