This black friday was a mad house. I didn't get the deals I had hoped, but overall, I got some goodies. Talking about black Friday with my in-laws over dinner made me ask..What was the worst Christmas gift you ever recieved. Needless to say, I took the cake.
I can remember it like it was yesterday....
The box was really light. After 4 years of being together I really thought "this could be it". I should have listened to the warning..."remember...before you open it.. I didn't have a lot of money this year".
So was that a prelude to a 'ha ha.. I got you didn't I?" or a prelude to a " no seriously, I'm broke"
It was more than just an 'I'm broke' kinda thing... Sometimes I wonder if it was a re-gift kind of thing. Sometimes, I really wish it had been. But for some reason, my boyfriend of 4 years thought it would be nice to get his girlfriend....this........
I can remember it like it was yesterday....
The box was really light. After 4 years of being together I really thought "this could be it". I should have listened to the warning..."remember...before you open it.. I didn't have a lot of money this year".
So was that a prelude to a 'ha ha.. I got you didn't I?" or a prelude to a " no seriously, I'm broke"
It was more than just an 'I'm broke' kinda thing... Sometimes I wonder if it was a re-gift kind of thing. Sometimes, I really wish it had been. But for some reason, my boyfriend of 4 years thought it would be nice to get his girlfriend....this........

A Beavis and Butthead t-shirt.
You would think that 4 years would have been enough at that point, but no. I stuck around for 4 more and got dumped while folding his laundry in my underwear. . But if that didn't happen I wouldn't have experienced the best Christmas gifts ever...
Best Christmas gift I ever got...there are 3
First Christmas as a married couple with my husband Michael
First Christmas with my husband Michael and brand new baby boy, Tyler.
First Christmas with my husband Michael, son Tyler, and my baby girl, Emma.
A family... the best gift ever, and I get to open it every morning when I open my eyes. Imagine that.