So it was only a little over a week ago that I lost my job.
It made me sick to my stomach facing a possible nightmare. What would I do if I couldn't find work? How would I provide for my family? What if my kids get sick? How long would our savings last us?
I thought that this would never happen to me, my job is secure. Then the owner of the company just walks in and says .."Ha fooled you!"
I'm just a little person though. Low man on the pole. It sickened me watching the news and seeing the reporter camped out in front of the owners mansion trying to get a statement. A statement that the low man on the pole deserved but wouldn't get. I guess some people think it's okay to break the backs of the people who helped you get where you are today.
We are about to witness a defining moment in history. Barack Obama, the President elect, is going to be the next President, the first Black president of the United States. There is no doubt it's exciting. Change is on the horizon....right?
I don't know...the first defining moment of Barack Obama's presidency is the inaugeration. So many outlets are focusing on what his speech is going to be about, but I can't get my mind past the bill.
No not Bill Clinton, the actual inaugeration bill. There are reports that this inaugeration is costing an estimated $170 MILLION.
Our country is on the verge of collapse. Banks are failing, car makers are failing, small business owners are failing, mortgage companies are failing, the average American is failing.
People are losing their life savings,their cars, thier family pets, their businesses and their homes. How can Barack Obama justify $170 million dollars on a few parties?
How does this get overlooked?
I get it...it's an historical moment. yada yada yada... I'm not saying don't celebrate, it's the President's right to be sworn in and celebrate it. It's great to unify the parties with celebration, but how do you explain that to the homeless person, or the family that just lost their home, or the family that just lost their home and medical benefits that has a sick child, explain it to the person that had to lay off their entire staff and close their business, explain it to the school that just shut off school sports programs b/c they can't afford it, explain it to millions of California residents that won't get their tax refunds b/c there is no money.
Change was the promise.
You would think that during these times and the times we face ahead, Barack Obama could spare a little "change".