Monday, September 29, 2008
After 5 years I get Wood?
After 5 years of marriage I get wood. After having two children, I think I have had enough wood.
But in the spirit of things.. I thought of the perfect gift for myself.
Normally I would leave magazines open to a specific page or something. But how would I casually leave this lying around?

Seriously folks...they make them out of wood. Imagine just fooling around trying to be all sexy and you are pretending and what not...all of a sudden.. you crack a tooth. What if the thing splinters? Explain that to the doctor.
Here is the website. The creator looks like a real winner...someone who gets out of the house alot!
But in keeping with tradition, I do have to think of something to give my husband. What would best represent the last 5 years of our marriage and be made of wood?
I have no clue. Any ideas?
So what in the past 5 years has happened.
Bought a house. Adopted a dog. Had a baby. Sold a house. Bought a house. Adopted a dog. had a baby. Lost a dog. Adopted a dog. .....there is a pattern here, but I am not going to go there again.
October 4th ya'll.
5 years sure does go by fast. And I feel so old. But damn if I don't love this man. He changed my life. I have a beautiful home, two beautiful children. I can admit we have our bad days, but who doesn't? There are things in my life I would love to go back and say ..what if? But everything in the past has led me here, and there isn't a thing that I would want different in my marriage or my family.
Ladies.. my man actually does laundry and the dishes...who could ask for more?
Friday, September 26, 2008
did you catch that?
lol! it even made the news
could you picture orgy of spending.
Let's lighten it up a bit.. Firday Humor!!!
Who needs a life ring?

So many of us are treading water with our heads about to go under, yet we persevere. With heads barely afloat, we are just making it. But although I am one of the has cost many Americans their homes, their cars, their savings and retirement, some their families. That is a high price tag for the US Economy. So where is their bail-out. The government is working hard to bail out numerous banks that made poor financial decisions at the cost of many American families, one of them could have easily been my family. So what about all the Americans seeking recovery. What about all of the Americans that despite the bail out are going to lose everything anyway.
I get it, we need a plan, we need government intervention. But if those CEO's of those failing banks make out with fat pockets, I am going to be livid. It's just not fair.
But damn-it... make it work. If anything George Bush, go out of office making something work for once!!!!!
I work in the mortgage industry. We get so many calls from families about to lose their homes, begging for help. We can't help. The best advice I can give them, sell and fast. Some are so far in the hole we refer them to a lawyer that can help file bankruptcy, this way the bank can't foreclose and they will have to short sell. Some might even get a re-evaluation of their loans.
These bad banks tell borrowers to pay all this money upfront to get caught up and then they will re-work the loan on more favorable terms. IT'S A LIE. They get the money, all that you have, and then tell you you don't qualify. So now it's impossible for you to even start over. You just depleted your 401k to save your home.
I love my home. I know now that I overpaid for it. I know that the house I sold to get my the home I am in now, is probably 100k under value now and the people I sold to are screwed. But I find myself in the same boat. But it's my home, I am not walking away from it. I will work at McDonald's to try to save it if I have to. It's not an ATM that I can pull cash out of when I am low or want a new car. It's not any less valued b/c it's not worth as much, I love my yard, I love my neighborhood and I love my house. Then I think of the millions of Americans just like me that were willing to do something to save their homes.
Millions, just like me.
The government better do something now. We are headed for a major downfall. It's costing America more than money. Don't they see that?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm back
It was so good to finally be home from that beast of a vacation.
I think it might even go down as the worst vacation I have ever had.
there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home...I kept clicking my heals, but nothing happened.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Forget about the other two!
There's an effort to elect an unknown random person as President... and it's someone we know! Watch this online video about the surprising new nominee:
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Rembemering September 11th 2001
I remember, I don't think I could ever forget.
As I kissed my son off to school this morning, I thought to myself how lucky I was to be kissing him. I hugged my daughter and told her how beautiful she was. Tears came to my eyes watching my little boy dressed in his red, white, and blue run off to play.
I remember the year we went to war w/ Iraq. My brother joined the Marines.
I say though the war may not be right for everyone, I sure feel safer at night knowing Sadam is no longer a threat to my family.
Never Forget.

Unfortunately for him, that is something my brother Jonathan Andrew, will never forget. But they do it for us.
It's okay not to relive the horrors of that day, just never forget the one's standing up for you because of that day.
Just looking at this photograph fills my hear with tears of pride and of sadness. Proud he is my brother in that photograph, and sad that he is my brother in that photograph.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obama "Age Appropriate Sex Education" in Kindergarten

Is there such a thing as age appropriate sex education for a 5 year old?
"Learning about sex before learning to read?" the ad intones. "Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family."
But as the McCain camp's documentation noted, Obama said he backed the legislation as a state senator for "age-appropriate" instruction to teach young children how to protect themselves from pedophiles."
The Obama camp states that it is offensive for McCain to use this legislation against him b/c the legislation is meant to protect children from sex offenders.
Some parents haven't even taught their children the word, penis or vagina. I don't think that it's appropriate for my son's teacher to tell him that it's inappropriate for the gym teacher to touch his penis. Who is to say that the school's interpretation of what is "right", is the way that parents should be teaching it, or should correspond with what the schools are teaching.
As a victim of sexual abuse, I am very cautious of what I tell my child. I don't want my child to be scared of the world, but I teach him to be cautious of the world. The majority of sex offenders aren't strangers, they are family members or friends. What gives schools the right to teach this to my child. This is something personal that should be taught by the parents. The parents have an established trust with their child. In Kindergarten, children are just starting out, and we are asking them to be subjected to this type of teaching?
This trust was established between my mother and I. I so trusted my mother that when it unfortunately happened to me, I was able to say no and to tell that person that my mommy said that is not allowed.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Kidzbop does lollipop????L
wow...really great lyrics.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
My real thoughts on Palin
I was skimming the Internet this weekend and couldn't believe the Democratic blogs attacking her 17 year old daughter. They stated Palin's 4 month old son was in fact her daughters baby. I thought how disgusting and vile of a creature do you have to be to start rumors like that. THEN...turns out this morning I hear Palin's daughter is pregnant. That she is 17 years old, 5 months pregnant and it was conveniently thrown in there that she planned to marry the father of her child.
First... I don't think that the example is set for our youth and whether or not you want to yell at me for that is up to you. It is exactly what is going to be examined here.
Second... I really hope that they aren't pushing her to marry the father of the baby because she is running for office.
third... Dealing with a pregnant 17 year old daughter, the media, a 4 month old with Down's Syndrome and 3 other children aside from these two, has a lot on her family plate. How is she going to juggle this hectic family life with her political one? If McCain for some awful reason kicks the bucket, Palin would be president.
While there are those that can argue that we are voting for McCain, you have to look at the VP choice as a potential president.
fourth... her lack of experience. Nuff said there.
fifth... I hope he wasn't going for Hillary's disgruntled voters. They are still Democrats and believe a Democrat should be in office. And if you have an honest conversation with a female voter...I bet more than you would think, don't think a woman should be in the oval office.