Okay, so my kid listens to kidzbop. We buy it for his little microphone. When I heard about this from my local radio station, I about died. If you know who lil wayne is ..then you know his music...and you have heard the song lollipop. You can guess the references to lollipop in the song...check out the kidz bop version. Lyrics to the real song below.....thoughts????
wow...really great lyrics.
What ever happened to kids singing "Row Row Row Your Boat" and "Thumpkins"? I guess I don't understand why children need to hear "kidized" versions of adult songs anyway. Is it for parental bonding or just someone's ingenious way to make a few bucks? Help me out here.
I remember going "wtf" a few years ago when Kidz Bop did Hey Ya ("don't want to meet your mama/just want to make you cum-ah") but this is a WHAT THE FUCK?
This is supposed to be a kids song??
What the hell.....
That's freakin' sickening!!
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