So I will start. Maryland Home Flower, Black-eyed Susan, Bird Oriole, Song, Maryland My-Maryland, Best known for the Maryland Crab!

The US Naval Academy (That is yummy too wink wink)
You can take boats out and go drudging for oysters! Slimey but fun! It is the Capital of Maryland.
We have the Baltimore Harbour, again historical, especially for the battles. Great Art district. The Baltimore Aquarium. Comedy clubs, Shopping, Dining, very close to Orioles Stadium (ick) and the Ravens(ick ick) (sorry that is the hubby in me)

Assateague Island, a natural barrier with beautiful marsh lands and also where all the wild horses run free on the beaches.
This is my little One running for the water in Ocean City.

There ya have it. There is a ton more and my fellow Maryland'ers would probably hit me for missing it all, but hey... this is my website hahahahahahahahahaa!
So where do you come from? RWA, ECRAIG, NIC, NiKKY, HYPERSONIC>>>>this means you!
I don't know that I can do Minnesota the way you did Maryland (verra good job, sounds like a great place!)
I'll give it a shot over at my blog tho... but didn't your friend talk about Minnesota already?
just in bloggie comments .. nothing major.. I would love to read of your Minnesota!
Alright, I will do this...but I just do it here, I don't have to make a post do I?
You know I am helpless when it comes to adding pictures!!! I'll try to drum up a link or 2!!!
This may take awhile and I have a couple things to finish, so hang in there with My SASKATCHEWAN!!!!!!
you don't have to post pics Nic...that is just my thing. I just thought it would be neat to learn a little about the different places we all come from. You can tell alot about a person.
Did you like Maryland
Of course I did. Like I said at my place, I am interested in travelling almost anywhere.
So, do I come back here with my Prairie tidbits or make a post at my blog?
anywhere you want dear
Wow, it is going to take me a while to come up with that much stuff about Alabama.
Great post. That is very interesting.
I have been to Maryland on business once, but I was there less than 24 hours - and it was raining the entire time. I didn't get to do any sightseeing - and I didn't get to try any of your famous crabs.
Well if you are ever here again..ring me up.. hubby will take ya to shoot pool then we'll go for da crabbies!!!!
Goodness with all this talk of crabs...I am getting a craving!!! I can't help myself when I am pregnant and the doc says only once can I eat crabbies. grrrrr....I don't know if I can wait!
Why are you allowed to only eat them once during your pregnancy?
With how sick you have been and all the weight you have thrown up, exactly waht is the reasoning behind this????
Mercury poisoning.
See I can't just have 10...
man..after this post and the talk of crabs with Nic.. I had to find crabs last night. We found this place out of the way and had the best all you can eat crabs....cost us $100, but so worth it!
Guess I'll have to try to put something together about Ohio. Your post is EXCELLENT, Ellie.
I had a girlfriend in Silver Springs back in the early 60s.
no pressure ecraig... i would love to know more about ohio though
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