You would think that I was talking about my child right? No....Daisy, our new dog. She is kinda new, but not new, she was a gift from my hubby to me and my son for Valentine's Day. Our cute little mini pin, that makes her...let me count....21 weeks old. We have had her for 11 weeks. You would think that she would be potty trained by now. Oh No! She wakes up every night around 1:30 and you better hope your not in a deep sleep cuz she will pee on the carpet if your not quick enough to catch her before she jumps off the bed. So you walk her at 1:30am then 5:30 am, you would think she was okay at 7 am when you get out of bed....maybe she thinks she is leaving me a morning gift. We just moved into a new house and I have had to throw out my dining room rug. That was her special dookie place. We thought she wasn't peeing there but I walked in ther for Easter and noticed a distinct odor. The rug was yellow so I guess we just didn't notice the yellow stains. Then last night I go down stairs to get some food from the freezer. The other two male dogs we have were down there the night before. I guess they thought they would leave me gifts too! I love my pups soooooo much, but sometimes...."Boy I otta...grrrr!"
I would love to hear your comments about potty training or anything else that erks you!
I hate it when my small dog is laying on my lap and cuts an sbd. The stench is like he ate a dead cat!
It's been 15 years since I had to potty train a dog, but what I do remember is rubbing her nose in it, telling her NO firmly and then taking her outside.
HTH! And thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
I would advise NOT rubbing her nose in it. She won't get the connection between something she did awhile ago and having her nose rubbed in it, something she won't find disgusting anyway. Some problem dogs eat their own poop and one reason may be that they had their nose rubbed in it. Eating it is a way to get rid of it so they won't get into trouble again.
I like your blog. Clever idea.
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