The other day I was sure that I was going to be work by myself..until I got a phone call... " I feel bad that you are all alone today so I have decided to come into the office"
For the first time I found myself saying "oh no...stay home" and got an " Oh no..I am coming in" I had to admit to the boss, that since no one was going to be there that day I took the liberty to dress down. I was in Sneakers, booty shorts and a Yankees sweatshirt. While the FedEx man got a kick out of it .. the boss thought..hmmm not so funny!
LOL - Oh my! I hope you didn't get into too much trouble :) Love the comic!!!!
I like your layout, I think I'll take your advice and see if she will do some more! Thanks for letting me know. I'll back soon!
Yes, I had an "oops" when dressing for work once...or twice.
Most recently, we had a meeting with the president of the university. The two other guys from my department who were going were "business casual," I guess you would call it, as I was.
Well, lo and behold, when we showed up at the meeting, they had changed into coats and ties. Jerks.
The other was when I was running late and put on a pair of pants that were split in the back - and I didn't realize it until I got to work. That wasn't good, either.
poor RWA.. but your not alone... I had a nipple slip once!
Yeah but mine are usually in the underwear department. You know, like wearing the wrong knickers that I feel the need to constantly pull out of my butt crack...or the wrong bra when I'm PMS, the kind that doesn't fit all the girls in properly and then makes it look like you've got a mini chest on top of your real chest. I hate that...adjust, adjust, adjust (when noone's looking of course lol)
Sweet of your boss to think of you being there all alone.
Now tell me what booty shorts are?
you know lisa... coochie cutters...booty shorts...
shorts that are just way too short. and trust me my fat ass shouldn't really be wearing them but it was a .. overslept.. running late, all alone kinda thing!
A nipple slip - at work?!?!?!?
It was another.. I'm running late day.... I will put on my bra after I eat breakfast...forgot the bra... bent over to pick something up at work.. yada yada yada...
Wait till I tell you my verbal slip up....icky
Damn...were many people looking when you bent over?
Only my mother in law...who is also my boss.
Visiting via Maldita's blog. It seems everytime I've tried to wear jeans or dress down is when I get called in for a client meeting last minute of course.
Great blog!
Cheers from Toronto
Cute cartoon :) Also here from Brat for C&C Monday.
We have casual dress at my office, so it's not usually a problem. But, once they asked us to dress a little better since a big wig was coming in, and I forgot. Oops!
Yikes...your mother-in-law is also your boss?
ha ha...you just figured that out!
yes...that is why the imposition on my family vacation was irking the hell outta me.
I didn't figure it out...you told me a couple of messages ago!!!
I can see the vacation "imposition" clearly now.
Just because I'm a few clowns short of a circus doesn't mean I can't understand things eventually.
Thanks...I "luv's ya" too.
So...what did your mother-in-law think of your booty shorts?
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