The man looks like a God naked! He was great in the movie. I couldn't stand Peirce B. ...but Craig...oh yeah baby. I will see every James Bond movie from now on as long as he is the Bond man! Or should I say the Bod man!
Anyone else see it? Love the scratching of the balls part!
Well, glad to see that the movie is good for people wanting to see Bond naked and scratching his balls.
The naked scene isn't what you would think it was...it was actually a torture scene...
Oh, so you're saying you're into S&M ... is that it?
Yes that is it RWA, between bondage photo shoots, making dinner and changing dirty diapers, I like to part take in a little S&M....of course not while I'm hooking, but ya know what ever the johns pay for!
Okay...that was really a joke! tee hee hee
ELLIE!!! I am no Bond fan, but I would watch this movie because you are right...this guy is HOT!!!
and I will look forward to the torture scene now!!
ps. When you are in between tricks, Liberal Supporter has left you a message, he thinks he knows what your problem is in posting at my blog. something about cache and cookies....
ahhh haaa....
yes , I was never a bond person either Nic, but now..I am definately a fan
What? hooking?!?!?!?!??!?
That's it. I can't read this page anymore.
WHAT??? Leave...you can't do that, even though you aren't a paying customer, I would miss you too much! :)
Well, if you want me to stay, I must insist that the hooking stop. Immediately.
I guess I will subsidize my income by giving blood...or eggs..whatever pays better :)
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