I haven't been able to see much of my hubby lately and haven't played with my son because I have been so void of energy. Lately I have this yearning in my heart that seems to strike me during the middle of the day. I start to miss the men in my life so much that it brings me to tears. Yesterday, my son gave me a hug goodbye and later in the day I found the sticker I had given him had stuck to my shirt when he hugged me. I could hardly stand it! So as of right now, hubby and I have a plan.... Friday will be hookie day. I have already told my boss I am going to be sick (she got it) and hubby will be calling out Friday morning. So not only will we have some time together, but we will have a 3 day weekend as well. Although I will be competing for attention on Sunday with the television (Superbowl).
I think that playing hookie every once in a while is a nessecity. We Americans work so much of our day that we become drained and lose a ton of Family time in the process. So many other countries put the families first. Hubby thinks that the United States should enact a mandatory 2 week vacation from every employer. Hubby only gets a week out of the year. I am lucky, I acrue 3 weeks out of the year. But what are those other two weeks without my hubby? I generally save them for when my son is sick or has doc appointments or what ever else life throws at us. I think you would have a happier bunch of people if we could get back to family values and family time. It would make us feel appreciated and whole.
I think that when my kids get older that I might let them have a day from school if they really need it. As long as they commit to making up their work. My dad did it for me and I didn't abuse the system. It really was hard to skip school b/c they called your house if you weren't there. So why risk it? Just be honest... "mom / dad... I need a day"
Life is always, Work work work...busy busy busy bees...now it's time for me!
I think that playing hookie every once in a while is a nessecity. We Americans work so much of our day that we become drained and lose a ton of Family time in the process. So many other countries put the families first. Hubby thinks that the United States should enact a mandatory 2 week vacation from every employer. Hubby only gets a week out of the year. I am lucky, I acrue 3 weeks out of the year. But what are those other two weeks without my hubby? I generally save them for when my son is sick or has doc appointments or what ever else life throws at us. I think you would have a happier bunch of people if we could get back to family values and family time. It would make us feel appreciated and whole.
I think that when my kids get older that I might let them have a day from school if they really need it. As long as they commit to making up their work. My dad did it for me and I didn't abuse the system. It really was hard to skip school b/c they called your house if you weren't there. So why risk it? Just be honest... "mom / dad... I need a day"
Life is always, Work work work...busy busy busy bees...now it's time for me!
a week?? that's all your hubby gets???
WHAT's up with THAT!!!!?????
now I feel a little guilty that I take 4 weeks!!!
ok, I am still taking them, guilt or no guilt!!! :)
ps...Penny felt really badly about hurting your feelings the other day about the US bashing...she apologizes to you on the LOVE thread..just wanted to make sure you were aware!
oh yeah...have fun been sick on Friday...wink, wink!!!
isn't SuperBowl on Feb 4th????
Oh she didn't hurt my feelings... I will come by and say so... I like her.
haha, my school called if you were marked absent too... but I could do my moms signature as well as she could, so I always "wrote myself out" She knew!!!
Hookie IS an absolute need once and a while...
I, also, can't believe your hubby only gets one week... He needs to re-negotiate that one... thats HORRIBLE! What kind of work does he do?
The Super Bowl isn't until next week (Feb. 4), so you won't have that to deal with.
But, you're right. People don't take enough time for themselves these days. And I'm just as guilty of that as anyone.
omg, I already do that for my kids lol. If they are really good I give them a hooky day off and I tell the school that too. They don't argue they laugh, my kids are good in school and at home so what harm will a well deserved break do...
just don't ask me that if my kids are in jail in their 30's ok....
hubby gets 3 weeks too, but takes one of them at christmas and splits the other 2 during the summer months...
I don't get holidays :(
Ellie, do whatever it takes to enjoy your family. When you are lying on your deathbed several years from now, you will NOT be saying "I wish I had spent more time at work"
That is a line I have used to get my hubby to play hookie with me on occasion!
You can't get these years back, you have to be in them, now.
Good for you for giving your boss a "sick" warning, that is classic!
Enjoy your family time together, Ellie. It's a curious fact that Americans take less vacation time, and time off in general, than any other country.
You know E Craig... I thought the same thing. Hubby and I were discussing obesity the other day and I said that I think the reason why 1 out 6 people in America are overweight is partly b/c of our work ethic. We work so much of our lives we never take time for ourselves. I hesitate joining a gym b/c by the time I am done work, come home and finish dinner, it is 7:30. I need a bit of time with my child, how can I possibly squeese an hour into my day to exersise without taking that hour from my family?
Did my comment not go through to you, Ellie?
I found it Ice..weird.. I published all those and they didn't go through! Darn google!
And as far as superbowl being on Feb 4th...yeah yeah I have been corrected. I don't watch football unless I am at a real game. It just doesn't catch me!
Yes hubby only gets a week. He has been with his company for 3 years too, going on 4. It sucks. His company doesn't even pay him his salary when he goes on vacation, it is like half his salary. They are penny pinchers. But hubby makes really good money, and now is making bonus' so we don't complain much. I think last year he made 70k.
I won't be using my vacation this year b/c of maternity leave. We are talking about going on mini's. We want to take Tyler to North Carolina and go gem stone mining. It is a family fun thing to do!
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