We cried, knowing full well we had been attacked. We tried desparately to get in touch with family in New York.
Then the Pentagon was hit. I tried desparately to get in touch with my husband and my best friend Katie that worked there.
Then we heard about the Pennsylvania plane.
I tried to gather my thoughts. As I sat outside I cried. As I watched the jet planes escort planes into DC over-head, I became terrified.
How could this of happened, is not the question that I can ask now. Now I ask, how can we make sure this never happens again.
I think about the people who lost that day. I think about how we have recovered, if we have. I think about what could have been lost, and what was lost and how we are still fighting to regain control. And then I cry. I still cry. It's been awhile, but I still cry.
Here is my post from last September remembering a victim from that day.

Friday, September 01, 2006
Meet David Ralph Leistman
Meet David Ralph Leistmanm age 43. He has a warm and welcoming smile doesn't he. He seems to me that if I were to meet him in person, he would be a nice guy. He was a bond trader that lived in Garden City. David died on September 11th, 2001. I don't know much about him, but I know his name from the 2996 Tribute Blog( http://www.jamulian.com/db911/ ). I learned that he was also a highschool lacrosse coach and a girl named Sarah really misses him cheering her on the side line. She says in a comment, that sometimes, she knows he is still there, cheering her on.David's son, Brian wrote to him on a memorial site:Message: I love you dad you believed in me so much and if you were still here today you would be proud of what I have been able to do with my life.You cared about me so much and always wanted to do everything you could to help with sports as well as everyday life. Every time I step on the football field I think of you and how you would be of me. I will never forget you dad.I can't help but cry when I think of David and the thousands of others that were senselessly murdered on September 11th. I remember everything about that day. My mother in law came into my room screaming. I sat and watched in disbelief that a plane could have hit the trade center, when all of a sudden my disbelief turned to horror when another plane approached and then crashed. I feared for my family members in New York. Then PA and the Pentagon. I remember sitting outside watching planes being escorted into Washington by fighter Jets. I remember Air Force 1 flying the president to saftey. The entire day brings back the bottomless pitt of emotions many of us have tried to push down. As September 11th approaches, I ask you not to push them down, but instead remember and feel. If you have to cry, cry. Remember the victims of 911 and pray for their families left behind, Remember our troops that went to war for our honor and freedom, Remember my brother and his fellow troops who fought in Iraq and those that never made it home. Remember how short our lives can be, and how important our freedom is to this country. Remember how we as a nation were judged by others before we ever judge someone else again. We are One Nation Under God, and Under God United We Stand.Peace to all,
There is nothing wrong with having such strong emotions - even now - from the tragic events of that day.
It is much better than forgetting.
I agree with RWA. We must ever forget that tragedy, nor turn our backs on the mad jihadists whose goal it is to place the world under strict Muslim law. If they have to kill you to do so.
Since I am on Mountain time, I was still driving in to work when I heard the news. My organization lost 4 people. Our New York office remains direct across Church Street from Ground Zero, although we were forced to vacate for 18 months for repairs. I will never forget and am prepared to do whatever I have to do to prevent this from happening again.
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