Our Company that shall remain nameless but forever will burn in hell***(okay I put that in there) has learned from many of our vendors, customers and attorneys that their offices will be closed Friday, December 26th for the holidays. Because of this, we will be closed Friday, December 26th
INSTEAD of Wednesday, December 24, 2008. We will be open all day on Wednesday, December 24th. If you had planned to take Friday, the 26th as a vacation day, you can choose to take Wednesday, 12/24 as a vacation day instead subject to approval by your manager. We anticipate Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to be extremely busy days. Taking Wednesday as a vacation day may or may not be an option due to work load. Please discuss with your manager.
Thanks. Happy Holidays!So I suppose you want to know what I think about that?
And That's what I think about that!
those bastards!
sorry your holidays are getting work-screwed... so are mine.
It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't get nasty comments from this stupid bitch I work with.
I am * * this close to letting her get a peice of my mind.
and by the by... I am NOT working Christmas Eve.
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