#1 I wish my father would start being a father. I am 29 and still feel like that 5 year old having to call "Daddy b/c daddy" won't call me. But I am thankful that my Step-dad is there for me...he is the one I call daddy, and actually mean it. I just pray that my Father doesn't die before he gets a chance to know me as a grown woman & and mother...so I can show him that I am getting it right. I just want to get this part of my life right.

#2 I can't believe I went so long with out getting my brows waxed...that should be a crime, on Friday I was wishing that I would find some place in my new town to get them ripped the fuck off. ***wish granted*** some chinese goddess pulled the Bert and Ernie off my face and I am much happier. What is even better, she didn't speak a foriegn language the entire time so I knew she wasn't making fun of me.
#3 Don't tell me how to say Good-bye stupid!!! We got this email through out our company last week. A long time employee is leaving because she got bumped for a guy. She can't say it was a female vs male thing, because the dude is totally gay! But we get this email saying "In leu of a reception, *nameless* would like for you to write her a letter of appreciation on company letterhead and turn them into HR so we can put them in a nice binder for her" Hey dumb broad, if you wanted a letter of reference, ask for one...now I just flip you the bird as you walk away and say good riddens.
#4 I wish my older clothes fit and all my girlfriends that eat french fries and hamburgers on a daily basis, weren't skinnier than me. I also wish that when I get skinnier, I run into all the "oldies" (I know who they are) and I can flip my hair and feel like ..."damn I'm hot!"
#5 Although every day is a gift, don't you ever wish that you would wake up in the morning and say.. "damn I feel alive today!" Instead of... "I hope today is better".
#6 I am tired. I am tired of taking care of everyone else. I would like someone to wipe my ass for a change.
#7 I am so pissed that I finally got back in touch with my best friend from college and she is moving away. I wish that her new hubby was stationed in the states. Germany is way to far.
It sucks and I cry over it all the time. She is my kindred spirit...people used to think we were twins. I think we like each other so much b/c she has was I lack, I have what she lacks and we are the same somewhere in between there!
#8 I hope that I reach my goal for the Race for the Cure, as of right now, some of the closest people in my life have not donated...I am sure they will in time. But Cancer needs a cure... Cancer is a Bitch! (if you feel compelled to donate, the link is on the side of my page.)
This song is for all cancer survivors, those who have lost their battles, those that are continuing the battle for loved ones, & for my race.
Come on people...share your bitches and wishes today!
1 comment:
I am pissed that I put off most of my chores this long weekend until today and now I have too much to do today LOL.
I am pissed at having to spend the holiday alone because Hubby is working again.
But I do wake up every day and am so grateful just to be here. I dont take things for granted like I used to. Almost dying will do that to you LOL
Have a great day! OH and what a stupid thing that co worker asked for. You should put down a bunch of negative things about her to stick in that binder!
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