I wish I had a new ring...
I wish I had a new wardrobe...
I wish I had great hair...
I wish I had an ass like that...
I wish... I wish... I wish...
But my momma always taught me to be thankful for what I have...because I have a lot more than most. But damn did I have to work hard for everything. I used to sit and watch others always get what they wanted but I always had to work for everything I ever had...sometimes I thought of how nice it would be to just be handed something. I know it has made me a better person, but man I am so tired lately.

I was going through this box at home that my husband and I keep. We put all of our cards and love letters in it. The ones most recent are ones that I have put in there...I think he slowly forgot about the box. I read this one card that I wrote him when we had been together only 4 or 5 months and listed about 100 little things that I loved that he did for me. For me it was the little things and not the big things that mattered. I told him that he should go through the box one day this week to reminisce, and I put that card on top.
Ellie, isn't it funny how the little things mean so much......I remember a time back in the day too.To me it is ALL about effort.
How long have you and your husband been together? In Sept. I will have been married for 16 years. Can you fricken believe it??? I turned 20 and got married 3 months later. I always tease him that he has a childbride { he mostly agrees, because he says I still act like a child LOL}
If I could wish for anything it would be for time. My life these last couple of years has been a blur and so much has happened and I blink and months pass by. I would also like more time for myself, but I know that in a couple of years my kids will be grown up. One of my bestfriends' wife left him 2 years ago, with 3 daughters { they are my kid's ages} so I feel like I am the wife to 2 men and have 5 kids most days.
My friends tease me and just tell me that I am going for sainthood.....but I fear I am going to get many a fork in the ass where I'll end up due to my uncontrolable mouth teehee!
In the words of Billy Bob Thorton,
"Wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up first."
Nice Ben...very nice...lol
Nic, we have been together for 6 years, married for 3 this October. I think that everything in our lives happened so fast that we are just trying to catch up. I have to realize that my hubby probably wants a little alone time too....but hubby gets alot more than I do. It's been awhile since I got a little something to show off... doesn't mean he loves me any less...we are just both trying to catch up is all!
:)I understand...
For me, jewelry does nothing for me. Infact I don't even wear my wedding rings, or any ring for that matter, unless you count toe rings Teehee { With my job, I wash my hands like 100 times a day, and I kept leaving them EVERYWHERE!!! so he finally put them away. He told me he thinks the rings were like a noose around my neck....haha}
If he was gonna buy me something sparkly, I would sooner go on a vacation or holiday.
Nah, of course not getting things doesn't measure how much he loves ya....esp when kids are involved and mortgages etc.
What shows me love, is effort..and because I work from home, it is REALLY easy for all of them to treat me like their servant.
El, I don't mind being someone's servant in the bedroom, BUT not the rest of the fricken house!!!!!
the ring I have been eyeing is one with my son's birthstone. That is the only reason I wanted it.
We are going on vacation to the beach in Sept for a week and we are counting down the minutes. It will be sweet!
hey how'did'ya like my cheer???
Well that would be nice for you to have. One Christmas mine had a family ring made for me...him and the BOY share the same month, and me and the GIRL share the same month so it is pretty. I never wear it though, but the thought is there.
I can honestly say after the two "rings" of fire he has given me, I am in no hurry to get any kind of ring from him again!!! LOL
I'm sorry, did someone say 'servant in the bedroom?'
I just wish I had a servant so I had time for the bedroom..
ALWAYS make time for the bedroom El!!!
Ps. do you know anyone looking to buy a nice hammock??? Must sell mine....
if it's not a sticky hammock, put it on ebay!
No, it is not sticky, and I am not really selling it...long story.
It would be very bad to use it now, and usually I like bad, and bad is good, but this would be bad bad
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