It was really rude, and I don't care how old that bitch was, she wasn't an invalid or "touched" you could clearly tell! I could of been a nasty hoo haa and said " yes dear, but unlike you, yes you the one stinking up this elevator, my son's diaper is clean!" instead we rode the elevator in an uncomfortable silence.
Is it just me, or do old people feel like they can say what ever they want? Is it because they have been around the world and feel like they have earned their right? Or is it because they are smart enough to know that a swift kick in the ass might break their talebone so they know I would think twice. But hear this old people that are rude.... that won't stop me from putting itching powder in your diaper! This diaper is for you old rude lady!!!!

You’re right. Old people do tend to be ruder. And, don’t get them in a restaurant.
Our kids weren't really diggin Cars either but we made it through without being too obnoxious. I could hear other kids getting restless during several really boring parts.
My grandparents used to go to the senior citizen center for lunch once a week with my grandpa's sister. They were usually embarrassed by her rude behavior. When my grandma would apologize on her behalf, saying that she was never that picky and wasn't brought up that way, she was told that they are usually the worst. My two year old probably would have done something unforgivable had someone been rude to him.
Old people are so rude sometimes. I am surprised that you didn't say something like, "Lady... your WHOLE BODY is dirty." or "Look, Old Stuff. Just because you are over 100, doesn't mean you can deny this kid's cuteness."
I think the anti-South park site is a joke, and wouldn't take it too seriously.
Mr. Gravely, you are my new cyber friend!!! Thank you!
Crallspace more times than not many older people are rude... my grandmother was the sweetest though. I don't mind it so much when they have lost a little up in the attic if you know what I mean, but when they are just plain rude it is uncalled for. There was such an uncomfortable silence in the elevator.
Oh and I don't take the south park site seriously at all, it was the invasion of my blog that ticked me off and made me put this stupid comment moderation up!
That was extremely rude! Yet it never seems to fail...the elderly are either super duper nice or just out and out nasty. Especially out in public.
Grrr...sorry you had to deal with yet another bitter old bitty.
I fully intend to be just as rude when I'm elderly. Think of me as 'Frank Barone.'
I woulda said something to her. That's just me. Your diaper comment would have been perfect. You also might remind her that soon, your son (if he is not already) will be potty trained.
ah hah Ben...too true, my son recieved 5 stars yesterday for potty training. I don't think I will be rude when I am older, especially not to a 2 year old!
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