Jennifer at "A Place of Incandescence" wrote:
"My power song would probably be 'Lyric' by Zwan .I got into this album when I first moved to Chicago, and that was a time in my life when I felt most confident, independent, and happy with who I am. This song, more than the rest on the album brings those feelings back any time I hear it. It has to be turned up really loud when I listen to it, or I'm just not satisfied. " I like Jennifer's blog, she writes about what is on her mind, and even though it isn't nitty gritty, like some people like blogs to be, she writes in an honest and personal voice. Her blog are her thoughts. It is refreshing. I chose Jennifer because she gave me a reason for her "power song" and after listening to the song....I kinda digged it! You should stop by and congratulate Jennifer on her win and her new car!
Now meet Ben... http://daydreamed.blogspot.com/
Ben had the pleasure of correcting me, not once, but twice. The first time I politely told Ben that he needed to read the entire title of my blog, the second time...I asked to be corrected. Ben's site is why I chose to split the points. I like the content of his site. Topics are TV, Music and general ramblings. But most of all I had to split the points because we have the same taste in music. One of his power songs are Like Heaven by the Cure. I f***ing love that song. But it makes me cry.
Today's video is for Jennifer and Ben's is linked. Check out their sites!
Thanks both of your for playing along and humoring my stupid power song request.
My pleasure--and the more I read your site, the more I love it.
The problem with blogmad and blogexplosion is that they dont encourage anything more than touching the surface. Example:
I saw a clear misspelling on your site during a blog challenge or something. It bothered me enough to post a comment, but not read very far past the transgression. It was your visit that got me back here (and thanks for that).
They should make challenges like an obstacle course, or make you answer questions about the blog afterwards, not just wait 20 seconds. Oh well.
I agree Ben. That is why I almost ALWAYS visit those who visit me. It is only fair. Plus, I like to engage debate...and isn't the purpose of blogging to reach out and learn things about different people, or just read the sick shit some people post!!!
Although I should mention that making a connection between Jen and I also loosely connects us to Ben Affleck/J-Lo/whoever the hell he married also named Jennifer. Yuck. :-)
uuugg huh ya think?????
Ben, that is funny, because I would DO Ben Affleck too!
Thanks for inviting me to participate ... and thanks for the BE credits! I think I must have won something else over there at BE without knowing it, because my credits are about 200 more than I was expecting ... not 50. 2 wins together = a streak. I will post a link back to your site today, when I have a little more time.
I agree with you both about blog explosion. They are a little better than most because they have some things that promote some actual reading, like battle of the blogs and rent my blog, but most of the return readers I get come from taking the time to comment on other blogs.
Anyway... Happy Friday!
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