Friday, December 21, 2007

just sayin'

I have had several conversations this week w/ people in NC. They want the snow that we have had here in Maryland in exchange, they will give me the beach.
I say....
You can have my snow...and keep your beach...

I don't like water that has fish big enough to eat me....It is just not the natural order of things...
knowwhatimean jelly bean?


Just Dave said...

My BIL was stationed off the coast of NC with the Coast Guard. It was a research station in the Gulf Stream. One day, they put a whole ham on a large hook, attached it to some cable and winched it into the water. They caught a 14 foor ocean blue shark. That was the day they quit swimming around the base of the station.

Woozie said...

What snow?

AmPowerBlog said...

Merry Christmas!

Here's to wishing you and yours the very best holiday and in through the new year!

EJL said...

dec 6th I think woozie