Is that a politacal statement or what?
"Awarding it to Al Gore cannot be seen as anything other than a political statement. Awarding it to the IPCC is well-founded," said Bjorn Lomborg, author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist."
He criticized Gore's film as having "some very obvious mistakes, like the argument that we're going to see six meters of sea-level rise," he said.
"They (Nobel committee) have a unique platform in getting people's attention on this issue, and I regret they have used it to make a political statement."
He criticized Gore's film as having "some very obvious mistakes, like the argument that we're going to see six meters of sea-level rise," he said.
"They (Nobel committee) have a unique platform in getting people's attention on this issue, and I regret they have used it to make a political statement."
Wow, his selection has stirred more controversey than when they gave the award to that Arafat guy.
Gore's award could not have been based solely on his bogus documentary, but I wasn't interested in reading or watching any news about it. I'd like to have the money that had to have been spent in pimping his nomination.
I like that Bjorn Lomborg is a skeptic because I don;t particularly like being told that we're all going to die within the next fifty years. Though there's some definite fear mongering in "An Inconvenient Truth" he's got the general idea nailed down, that climate change will become a serious problem if we don't act soon to stop it. And that's what counts.
Anything can happen in politics, but Al Gore is not running for president. He's too smart.
I very much dislike Al Gore
just a statement
Nobel PEACE Prize...
gZ0k4g The best blog you have!
DQKW8D Nice Article.
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