Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sorry ya'll ...drawing a blank for posting today!
So I will post a pic of my family from my brother's graduation last week, and Say Congratulations Phil!
Savor this moment are possible looking at the first Gay President of day! (He really is THAT smart)


e.Craig Crawford said...

Erm ... what's the above reply all about, Ellie?

Anyway, congrats to your brother. Your family must be proud.

Anonymous said...

Ellie, that is a very cool thought.

Your gay brother and my gay brother presidents/prime ministers of our respective countries!

Now there is an interesting concept!
I would love to see that happen!

Hypersonic said...

I must say that Ellie is blooming as well.
Congrats to the Bruv.

EJL said...

Thanks folks! I don't normally post pics of the family. But my bro looks so Regal there doesn't he...

Craig.. I have been drawing a blank as far as posting ... so I dug back a week. I didn't want ya'll to think I went into labor or anything.

Nicole said...

El, beautiful pic!!!

I sure hope that I do see that in my accepted gay world leader.

Just Dave said...

I second that opinion. If only we could choose leaders based strictly on their qualifications..sigh. Good lookin' bunch there, El.