Friday, October 31, 2008

Two posts today, don't skip them...So this morning....

So today I was driving Emma to her Nanny's house. I saw all the middle school kids walking to the bus stop. I, none of them are dressed up. Must be the cool thing now, not to dress up.
Then I turned on Miss Alida's street and saw toy boys walking towards the bus stop. One of them was dressed up as something for Halloween, but I couldn't make it out. Then as I neared, I realized the boy was dressed up as a giant hotdog.

Maybe it's me, but parents... come on now... a middle schooler dressed as a giant hotdog? Are you freakin kidding me. Alida said, maybe the kid really wanted to dress up and the mother just picked her battle. I chimed in, "my kid can dress up that is fine, but no way is my 14 year old going out dressed as a hotdog." If that was the case, he could stay home. (and possibly get therapy). Maybe it was all those years I was teased, but there is no way I would set my kid up for being the kid that is teased.

A giant hotdog...? man.. I really think that kid is going to have a bad day. (Especially if he was the only one dressed for Halloween)
If you disagree... okay then, click the pick to buy your costume...
Happy Halloween Folks!


Nicole said...

See Halloween comment below! haha

Nicole said...

I have a 14 yr old and a 16 year old and let me be the first to say that Good Luck if you think you can force them to wear anything. My bet is this kid CHOSE this costume and probably for a reason. Probably is gonna go around and tell all the girls to "eat me" or "bite my weiner"....but...then again meybe I just have a dirty mind!!! ;-)

EJL said...

I hate saying this...but , I don't think the kid was like that by the looks of him.. I really think he digged the costume.

Woozie said...

I'm thinking most people will approve of the randomness of a Hot Dog costume.

paz y amor said...

On Friday, one of my students was really upset that her mom wouldn't let her dress up as Darth Vader. What's odd is that she's the quietest student in the 4th grade barely speaking above a whisper at any time! As they say, it's always the quiet ones that you gotta look out for! :)