Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Do you believe him?

Former Senator Larry Craig, because he has officially resigned, plead guilty two months ago for solicitation in an airport bathroom of an undercover officer.

Why did it take two months to come to light?
Why did he plead guilty if he didn't do anything wrong?

I don't believe him, personally. What pisses me off is his voting issues on gay rights. He is so far in denial that he has to vote against every gay rights issue there is.



Ed & Jeanne said...

Now he can go have (next part to be sung in the Flintstones theme) "A Gay Old Time".

Woozie said...

Offering a little gloryhole action is pretty gay.

Effortlessly Average said...

I agree. If he's so anti-gay I can't believe he'd cop to a charge (even a misdemenor) that had anything to do with homosexuality unless he knew the cops had him dead to rights on it. My bet is he figured no one would ever notice (or perhaps even look for) something that wasn't a felony.

Nikky said...

as Shakespear said "Me thinks he doth protest too much"

He went on and on about family values, and how being gay is wrong...
What a sad little man. I am glad he is leaving.

Just Dave said...

Now he says he has changed his mind. He is not going to resign and will fight his conviction. Dick Chaney will probably invite him to go hunting soon.

EJL said...

The man makes me sick.
I loved how Hillary said it would be interesting how the Republicans handle it...

I think she forgot that not too long ago she was in the hot seat backing her husband for getting a hummer in the oval office