Friday, December 15, 2006

I never knew...

This history of the Mistle Toe, so I looked it up HERE and this is what I found:
Origins of its name - The common name of the plant is derived from the ancient belief that mistletoe was propagated from bird droppings. This belief was related to the then-accepted principle that life could spring spontaneously from dung. It was observed in ancient times that mistletoe would often appear on a branch or twig where birds had left droppings. "Mistel" is the Anglo-Saxon word for "dung," and "tan" is the word for "twig". So, mistletoe means "dung-on-a-twig".
Now doesn't that make you wanna run out and kiss someone!


Hypersonic said...

Oh yeah babee. :o)

EJL said...

Oh don't you know it. I say "Pucker-up baby"
Nothin like a little dung to get you in the mood!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wouldn't let me sign in again.

I hate this new beta blogger with a passion!!!

Anonymous said...

Life could spring spontaneously from knew meaning for the phrase...Everything's gone to the crapper now....

I still like the idea of mistletoe...just be wary of who is standing under it is all!!! ;-(

Here is the comment i have tried to post 10 times!!! I kid you not!!!

EJL said...

you need to come to the other side Nic..everyone's doing it these days, your going to be the only one not normal, living in the dark ages, come on nic, once you do it you won't be able to get enough of it....

how's that for peer pressure.

Anonymous said...

RT REFUSES to do it and if I do it, he won't be able to comment at my place....Sara is still like me, Jay, and Woozie...

this is blatant discrimination against beta-less bloggers...I may go to the UN and lodge a formal complaint!!! :)

EJL said...

You can still post under other without uploading...but I sure do miss your pic here!

Anonymous said...

sometimes it lets me and sometimes it doesn't!!!

It is finicky...

EJL said...

must be female

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Beta is not that bad. Why are people so hesitant to change?

EJL said...

That's right RWA..peer's what it's all about!!

EJL said...

That's right RWA..peer's what it's all about!!

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment about my blog at Nic's, and it is greatly appreciated. No kisses though :)

EJL said...

Thanks Woozie... I am glad you stopped by! No kisses about kudos ???

e.Craig Crawford said...

It is true, Ellie, what you have related about the origin of the name. Seeds from many types of plants are spread via animal droppings. And, mistletoe seeds in bird droppings sprout high in trees where this legendary plant can be found.

So, to those among us who can't find any mistletoe this year, just smear some bird droppings over your doorway and hope for the best. ;-)

EJL said...

well ecraig, i don't have any birds, but I assume that the same goes with many animal droppings..I do have dogs, do you think that would work???
