Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Santa Sez...

I am stealing this from Casual Slack
This is pretty awesome. Click the picture to play SantaSez
Some ideas to tell santa what to do:
Kiss Rudolph
Pick Nose
Fart or Flirt
...or make up your own and tell me the best ones you come up with so I can try!


Anonymous said...

Try these: jump over tree, yodel, gargle, spit milk, vanish, levitate, insult me, ballet, flip, nuts, drunk, punch elf, flex, moon, tap dance, square dance, toss cookies, smoke, who are you, you're fat, you're ugly, you're funny, fire, burn tree, tarzan, bush, recite a poem, rock, thumb wrestle, rock paper scissors, you suck, cuss, bring me a man/woman, brokeback, skip, love, kill deer, pick up deer, exercise, freestyle and creep me out.

:) Too much time on my hands.

EJL said...

those are too funny....especially kill deer... don't worry hubby and I played with santa sez for quite awhile

Jen said...

try Prance, Kick Over Tree, recline, bake, birds, gargle, smell

Jen said...

oh.. and "explode"

Ice said...

I got this last year, it IS funny :)

I asked him to scratch his ass...he did : )


How's mama feelin?

Ice said...

I asked him also just now to "beat self up"... meh, he punches himself once.. I was hoping for more of a show : ) lol

EJL said...

explose is pretty funny!

Ya'll Jen is casual slack...she brought Santa Sez into my life. You should go check her place out.

Thanks for asking and baby are doing great!

Nicole said...

Ok, I just had him

I wondered if he would go all the way... I did laugh when he rubbed his nipples though.

I am surprised that nobody has gotten him to masturbate...if you do, let me know what it does!!!

EJL said...

I did, he grabs a chicken and starts to choke it.

Nicole said...

Ellie, I told him to lick himeslf and he came on and ruffled thru some papers and told me that it isn't on his list!! lol

But he did blow me a kiss when asked.

I love the stripping one the best :)

Nicole said...

Hey, C.C. taught me to do some tricks yesterday, so I linked your blog Santa Sez to my Merry Christmas post. I am sooo proud of myself!! Come and check out the acknowledgement!!! lol

Southern (in)Sanity said...

Sex ... and strip ...

Such behavior with Santa Claus...

EJL said...

When I asked him to pork rudolph he replied " I can deliver toys to all the children in the world in one night...but I can't do that!"

hahahahaha Such a dirtly little mind I have.

e.Craig Crawford said...

Kick deer is another good one. I wonder, wo comes up with this stuff?

Southern (in)Sanity said...

pork rudolph...

That is definitely from a dirty little mind!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's some of my favs: hide, tap dance, faint, burn tree, punch elf, gargle, spit milk, vanish, rope elf, ballet, opera, insult me, joke, brokeback, bush, flip, backflip, jump over chair, jump on tree, ninja, matrix, slow motion, pout, cry, subservient chicken.

Hypersonic said...

Masturbate is pretty funny.