Monday, July 09, 2007

Are you the type of person that is always available for your friends and family? And always has to bend to make others happy, sacraficing your own needs? Do you sometimes find that when it comes to really important stuff happening in YOUR life, others just don't pay as much attention?
But if you didn't do something spectacular for would never hear the end of it.

What makes some of us so selfless and others able to overlook the importance of our feelings, wants, needs and expectations?

Do you ever find yourself just so tired of working endlessly for everything you have...even just the simplest of kindness from others? And are often overlooked as if maybe you weren't AS important?


Ed & Jeanne said...

Right now I am suffering in Africa for those bloggers out there that do not have the time or money to safari and then sit on a pristine beach on the Indian ocean. God I'm selfless sometimes ;)

EJL said...

I bet it's beautiful! Please take some pics and post them! I would love to see Africa!

e.Craig Crawford said...

I try to be there for family as much as possible, but don't feel that I'm taken advantage of or not appreciated.

It's different for Moms. They cook, clean house, do laundry, etc., and that's besides working a part or full time job for many. Being a Mom can be the most "thankless" job in the world in terms of appreciative feedback from the family. We tend to take it all for granted.

EJL said...

I just feel like I am always last on the list. My mother is being difficult helping to pick a date for a girls lunch/ shower for me and the new baby b/c she is booked every weekend. She didn't throw me a shower the first time around and not this time either. My dad didn't take off to come see the baby born, he said unfortunately he took another week for vacation. It's like no one wants to be convienient for me... they want to do things on their own time when it's best for them. I am just tired of always coming in last.
Just tired.

EJL said...

And this is such an important time in my life.

The list goes on and on........

Just Dave said...

I believe you are justified in feeling this way. The birth of a child is an important event and the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy make it more important. You should not have to beg for attention. Since they are probably not going to change, best to blow it off as best you can.

EJL said...

I try to blow it's just that way every event in my life. It gets old after awhile. And there is no denying that it hurts.

Rhianna said...

My mom is the family doormat. She raised me to never be one, if only so I wasn't like her. I do understand the wanting to hear a "thank you" every once in a while though - Hubby is slowly getting better at it, he usually doesn't have to be prompted now. :)

Kiara said...

I understand how your feel. Im the same way with my friends and family. Its as if their used to me being the one to go to yet when I need someone, no one wants to hear it. Then when you tell them how you feel, its as if you're being selfish or that your feelings are not validated. Its exhausting. Ill be praying for you. :)

EJL said...

Rhianna...I can't comment at your place. That jalopeno one sounds yummy!

Rhianna said...

Elle, are you having problems with getting to the blog, or over with Haloscan? I'm sorry you can't comment - first I heard of it, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the head's up.

You can use sweet peppers instead of the jalapenos if you'd rather. Peppercino dulce over here were great too. It's mainly so there's more than a little bit of it, but not as big as a bell pepper.